first day of school: the encounter

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Damn it! Damn it! Of all days for my alarm to quit on me and on the first day of school too! I'm going to be late for sure! I running like my life depending on it. Finally getting through the gate through the entrance only to be distracted by a cute girl then tripping over some. . . one's tail? "Hey! Watch where your going stupid!" The snake girl said angry at my carelessness and looks ready to kill me. But I couldn't feel scare cause I couldn't help look at her how cute she is. "Hey! Why are you so quiet! Are you scared of me too! Huh?!" She said getting more angry. "N-no! I was j-just distracted..." I tried to speak only to be wrapped up in her tail and being squeezed as she put her face right in front of my face with the same cute angry look on her face. Answer me now or I'll squeeze until your blue!" She said as she squeezing me. "C-couldn' are." I managed to say before blacking out. Later after blacking out I wake up to that girl hovering over me, face to face which I wouldn't mind if she was so close that our noses were touching. "Did you mean it?" She asked with a like blush on her cheeks while was clueless for about a second until I remember what I said before I blacked and blushed myself. "Y-yea. . . I did. Was I-I not wrong to call you that?" I asked feeling a little nervous right now. After all she just choked me until I blacked out over a accident. "N-no it's okay...but..." She said appearing to be nervous about something. "But?" I asked feeling a little awkward right now. "Are you s-scared of me? I just sent you here after we just met. S-sorry by the way." She said seeming to actually feel guilty about earlier. "N-no. Your not scary... I mean when I said you were cute..." I was speaking when she wrapped her tail around me and hug me close. "Then you don't mind being mine do you?" She asked with a obsessed look in her eyes as she open her mouth wider than I ever seen anyone do and then put my head down in it and started shoving the rest of my body in. I of course struggled but in vain as I feel myself going deeper and deeper down her throat being squeezed into her awaiting stomach with my feet being the last thing outside of her mouth only hear her gulp them down and me sliding into her stomach curled up and covered with stomach acid. "W-what are y-you doing?! Let me out! I'm not food!" I said only to feel her rub her belly where my head is. "Don't worry. I won't digest you. I just want you to understand that your mine. That is. . . unless you don't want to be mine then I will digest you. Understand?" She said as she lays on the bed in the nurse's office. While I was thinking on what to do I heard below me what sounded like gurgling noises underneath me which I thought I was getting digested anyway and started to struggle but got smacked from the outside by her. "Calm down in there! That just my second stomach inside my tail. That's where you'll go if you don't become mine. So stop it or I'll consider your struggling to mean that you don't want to be mine." She said as she warns me. Sigh. I have no choice. I either become her property or become food for her to digest. "Okay. . .okay. I'll be yours. But umm. . . shouldn't we tell each other our names?" I said after careful consideration of my situation. "Oooh! Your so right! We have to exchange name to get to know each other better. "My name is Rose and yours would be?" Rose asked as if it was normal to ask someone elses name while their inside her stomach. Has this happened before? "My name Joshua. Nice to meet you Rose but could you let me out now?" I said still in her stomach. "Oh! Right right! Sorry about that. I'll get you out right now." Rose said

A little bit later

"Thank you for not digesting me Rose. So what is this school exactly and why try so hard to have me?" I asked after thanking her. I couldn't help but asked why she wants me and What kind of school this is. "This school is for monsters or it was last year but now it's open to humans this year and I wanted to be the first to have a human but they keep telling no or run away from me. But now I have you!" She said as she wrapped around me again and give me a full body hug. At least she not squeezing me until I blacked out again. . . and it feels kinda nice and when she's like this I don't mind being her. . . what am I to her? "Hey rose. What am I to you?" I asked her wanting to know. "Hmm? Are you curious Joshua? Hmm?" Rose asked back as she edge closer to my face still trap in her coils but while she was doing that I felt her boobs press up against my arm which made me blush. "Joshua~ your blushing. Are you thinking of something naughty?" Rose said being very seductive while licking my face. "~gulp~ N-no. . . I-I was just wondering" I said stuttering as things seem to be escalating and I can feel my face getting hotter. ~Giggles~ "Joshua why don't we go to our dorm room we'll be sharing and learn a little more about each other." She said press her boobs onto my arm more. "Dorm room? What're talking about? I wasn't told about being put in a dorm." I said surprised by all this. "Huh? But it was in the e-mail you received. It should of told you everything you needed to know." Rose said confused as well. But that when I remembered what I read so far of that e-mail until that accident. "Sigh. Yeah. . . I only got to read the part that said I was accepted by the school but little accident with my little sister ball caused it to be deleted before I could read the rest." I said embarrassed by this. "Oooh! Okay then, well it's a rule that once you arrived that you get appointed to a dorm room with a roommate. Which we pick and I picked you." Rose said as she give me a wink and the cutest smile. "Yeah. You also said I'm the first. Where's the other humans who are supposed to be attending?" I asked why I'm the only one. "Their not coming after learning this school had monsters attending with you humans." A girl said as she steps into the nurse's office. She was tall with big horns and hooves for feet. I guess she's a minator girl. Another thing is that she got a huge rack. "What do you mean Mary? Aren't there supposed to be more coming?" Rose asked a little surprised by the news. "Nope. He's the only one that came here. The rest sent notice that they weren't coming here because they don't trust us not to harm you humans. Which apparently is the case. Right Rose." Mary said as she stares at Rose sternly. "I won't say anything about what happened here! I promise." I said not knowing why I said that. "See! Everything fine. Joshua won't tell anyone." Rose said as she hug me again with that cute smile of her. "So your okay with Rose gobbling you up and threatened to digest you? How do you know she won't do it again and go through with it?" Mary asked matter of factly. She not wrong. . . I don't know if she do it again and actually digest me. But I think she didn't do it for a reason and she was bluffing about digesting me. "I trust her Mary and I don't mind sharing a dorm with her." I said which earn me a kiss on the cheek from Rose of course I blushed while I wasn't paying attention Rose sent Mary a murderous glare. "I'm so happy you and I will be sharing a room together! Hehe." Rose said happy with what I said as she press herself against my arm. "But I want to know. Why do I have to stay at a dorm?" I asked curious since my house is near by. "Do you not want to be my roommate?" Rose asked looking at me angrily. "No! It's not that. I was just wondering is all." I said quickly to calm her down. "It was the head master idea. He wanted to close the gap between the humans and monsters. Which I find ridiculous if you asked me." Mary said coldly. "Think whatever you want Mary but I'll be taking Joshua to our room now." Rose said as she slithered off with me still wrapped up in her tail. "Bye mary. Nice meeting you and thanks for telling me all that's going on here and especially for being concern for me." I said as we left. "Like I give damn human! Hmph!" Mary said as she walked the other way.


"Here's our room roommate! It's simple and small but comfy." Rose said about the room we be sharing which to me it's pretty big. It even got a kitchen! "Wow! This place is like a apartment! Hell! It's better than my place!" I said excitedly as I explore the place. Everything was big even the bathroom! But then again it's housing a lamia and I'm sure she needs plenty of space to move around. After I looked around I went to check out the bedrooms. . .only to find one big bed. "Umm. . . rose. Why is there only one bed?" I asked nervously for fear of what I'm about to be told. "Oh! They couldn't afford to put two bedroom in every dorm room so they made it a one bedroom dorm room. We'll be sharing a bed. Isn't that nice. . . darling." Rose whispered in my ear as she wrap her arms around my neck and press her chest to my back. I of course gulp down my heart that was jumping out of my throat. "Y-yeah. Very n-ni-ahhh! Rose what are you doing?!" I said as rose pick me up and toss me onto the bed. "Nothing much. . . just marking you as my mate. Nothing special. Hehe." Rose said as she takes off her clothes and ripped off my clothes. "B-but we hardly know each other! D-don't you want to d-date first?" I said scared of the crazed look in her eyes. "Don't be scared darling. Will get to know each other better this way. Hehehe." Rose said as she giggled and then wrapped me up again in her coils and started fapping my dick with her boobs making it go hard and as it got bigger she went faster and while that was going on I was going mad from it. I felt so much better than when I did it by myself. After awhile I cum onto her boobs which tired me out considering how much effort she put into making me cum. I took a look down to see her lick me clean then crawled up to me until we were face to face and she slide my dick into her pussy and started humping me. Ooh! The ecstasy I was feeling! I couldn't take it any longer and join her and thrust into her pussy. We both moan and groan until we scream our names to each other until we finally climaxed. Tired from that I layed beside her. "Wow! That. . . was great! Panting" I said exhausted from the sex. "Mmm. Good to hear darling. Now it's time to tuck you in." Rose said as she wrapped her tail around me but then lift me up until I was hanging over her. "Rose? What are you doing?" I asked confused. "I'm tucking you in silly." Rose said as she she pat her belly as a indication of where I'm being tucked in. After everything that happened to me I just smiled. "Okay rose. I'm pretty tired so I don't if you tucked me in" I said submissively. "Goodnight darling." She said as I was lowered into her opened mouth head first and gulped and slurped until I was sitting and curled up inside her belly. Warm and comfy already feeling sleepy.

Rose pov

I rub my belly where darling is now fast asleep and got settled down to sleep. "See you in the morning darling" I said and went to sleep.

first day of school and I'm already wrapped up with a girl.Where stories live. Discover now