Chapter 6

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2 months later...

Seulgi's popularity and career really sky rocketed over the past 2 months. She was on demand and was busier than ever. Yeri, Lisa, Jeongyeon and Nayeon were also busy as well.  Lisa, Nayeon and Jeongyeon were always left behind in Seulgi's studio handling things from there especially when Seulgi's on tour with Yeri and Joy.

Jeongyeon volunteered to stay behind to take care of things in the studio while Seulgi, Yeri, and Joy would do press tours for Seulgi's gigs and contract meetings, minus the endorsements. Seulgi still told Joy that she didn't want to do endorsements because it all seems fake and forced onto her. Joy was happy to hear that, it would mean less work for her despite all the paper works she and Seulgi has to go over.

The three were in a restaurant for dinner, and were enjoying each other's company without any work that would go their way. It has been a long time since Yeri, Joy and Seulgi went out for dinner without any work related matters to talk about. When Yeri and Joy started dating, Seulgi knew that both of them will be a huge part of her life, and paying for expensive dinners was nothing to compare with what her friends had done for her. The dinner went smoothly until Seulgi, Yeri and Joy stepped out of the restaurant.

Yeri went out first, while holding Joy's hand. Seulgi was trailing behind holding her phone while walking. She wanted the two to have their time for themselves even while they were with her. Seulgi did not mind them doing couply stuff. She was happy for them.

The area around the restaurant was quiet, and Seulgi's Black Lexus LF-NX Crossover was parked three blocks away to minimize people crowding over Seulgi's car infront of the restaurant, thereby giving a hint that the star was eating there. The three were walking peacefully, until Yeri and Joy heard people catching up to them.

"Seulgi! Seulgi Kang!" Paparazzis were running up to Seulgi, and were taking pictures of her while she was texting on the street.

Seulgi wanted to be as polite as possible, and she knew that when she would run away, the paps would chase her even more. Seulgi put on her black Rayban Aviators to block out the flashes of the cameras.

"Hi, Seulgi. Nice song!"

"Seulgi! Seulgi! Do you have someone special?"

"Seulgi, how was the food?" The Paps were really catching up to her despite how the 3 of them walked fast. Seulgi did not answer questions, she was not really friendly with the paps when her alone time was interrupted. She wanted peace and quiet and the paps broke that rule.

Dave, Seulgi's bodyguard and driver was not with them that night. Seulgi gave him the night off to rest. It was date night with her friends after all. Yeri and Joy had a difficult time to walk fast too, they were also being papped with Seulgi, but Seulgi was swarmed by the guys.

Joy was already annoyed at how the paps were getting close to Seulgi, but she knew that Seulgi can handle the guys by keeping quiet. She was used to being papped, after all. Yeri, on the other hand was trying to shield both girls from the paps but was really helpless since the paps were really swarming them. It looked like the restaurant owner gave a tip to the paps that Seulgi Kang was in his resto.

"Seulgi. Smile for the camera, please."

"Nice shades, Seulgi." Another one said.

"Guys, I know you're just doing your job, but please, I can't see anymore. Can I have a little space please?" Seulgi tried to sound as calm as possible when on the inside she was freaking out. She was separated from Yeri due to the hoard of people with cameras hovering over her. She gets claustrophobic when she gets mobbed by Paparazzis, and the paparazzis didn't seem to care at all.

Some of the bystanders told the paps to give her a little space because she can't see or she might trip over. But the Paps did not heed to their demands. They wanted a pic of the hottest star right now since she rarely goes out and was really a private person.

"Ow! Dude. Please." Seulgi tried to reason out with the Paps but they were just throwing questions at her. They did not seem to hear her though. But Yeri and Joy did. Seulgi was being pushed and cornered by the Paps, and Yeri and Joy were already fed up. They tried to make their way back to Seulgi but they couldn't get through the crowd of Paparazzis swarming over their friend. How they wished Seulgi did not send Dave home early during times like these.

Seulgi was already pissed off. She hated to do it but she had to get through the crowd, she tried to walk faster but she got dragged down by one of the guys.

"Dude, Dude, Back off! She's hurt!" People were still shouting including Yeri and Joy. But when Yeri and Joy saw that their friend was dragged down and the Paps wouldn't back off, Yeri and Joy tried their best to get through. Luckily, they did when a few of the by standers helped them get to her.

"Guys, please back off, our friend here is hurt, all because of your doing. Please, just give a little respect." Joy sternly told them. The paps backed off a little after hearing Joy in lawyer mode.

Yeri and Joy helped their friend up, and shielded her from the cameras and continued to walk to Seulgi's car. Seulgi was hurt and was obviously in shock that her life can be put it danger just because of people with cameras, and Joy and Yeri did not like it not one bit.

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