Ashes to ashes

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As me and Kylie began our walk home from school we both talked about how our days went until we arrived at her house and I told her goodbye and I'll see her in the morning I headed on my way to my house wondering what my mom was making for dinner. Walking through my front door the delicious smell of what seemed to be pasta greeted me, inhaling deeply I made my way towards the kitchen to find out just what it was that had that fantastic aroma filling our house. Walking into the kitchen I saw my mom stirring a pot that appeared to have creamy looking pasta in it and I instantly knew she was making Chicken Alfredo with garlic bread I loved when she made it and it was also my dads favorite dish I smiled sadly before going over and greeting her " good afternoon mama" I said as I kissed her cheek " hello my lady bug go ahead and wash up for dinner" she replied and I headed upstairs to do as told.

After washing up I went downstairs taking a seat at the dinner table as my mom placed my plate in the front of me "thanks mom" I said as she smiled at me, hearing footsteps I saw the spawn of chucky emerge from the staircase coming to take a seat at the table as well "wassup fam" I stared at her trying to figure out what's gotten her grumpy butt in such a good mood but I broke the stare as mom told us to hold hands and bow our heads to say grace. Halfway through us eating dinner our mom told us after we were through with washing the dishes she had something  she wanted to discuss with us.

As soon as we were done my sister and I joined mom in the living room and waited for her to speak " so girls I'm sure you guys know that next week marks three months since your dad passed and I think it's time we finally shed his ashes" she said and I was dreading this day seeing as though I haven't fully come to grips with him being gone yet and spreading his ashes would mean that I'd have to accept it and I wasn't so sure I was ready for that but if it's what mom wanted then so be it, "what do you girls think?" She asked Giselle said that she was fine with and I replied with the same answer although I knew I wasn't  "well okay then it's settled on Saturday  we'll go to his favorite beach and spread them" okay we both said as I headed to my room blinking away tears I hope that I can keep it together or I'd at least try my best to I thought to myself as I gathered my things to take a shower before going to bed I wanted to go to bed early to escape my thoughts but boy it was certainly not gonna be that easy.

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