Chapter Two

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Cameron Dallas

"Lit it up for me."

My friend, David, took out his lighter. I held my cigarette in my right hand, and shielded it with my left hand to prevent the cool breeze from putting out the flame. David held his lighter close to the tip, and I watched the flame lick up the ends of it. I nodded my head at him, as a thanks, and brought it to my lips.

"So, you going to school today?" he asked me, getting out his own pack of cigarettes.

I slowly blew out smoke. "I don't know, man. If I don't go again, Principal Lee will make sure to contact my mom." I shook my head, and leaned against my car. "It's like the old man has her on speed dial."

David laughed. "I'm sure he does."

There was a silence, and I kicked a rock with the tip of my shoe. David and I met in his driveway every time both of us didn't want to attend school. And, every time we would smoke together. His parents always left for work early in the morning, so we never needed to worry. But, he was that type of friend. Whenever you needed someone to help you forget your worries, or help you with your worries, David was always there.

"Man, my mom will kill me if I don't show up today. She's been talking to me about college, and all that stuff," I sighed. A silence fell between us, and I watched him bring a cigarette to his lips. "We're halfway through senior year, and she's upset that I haven't been taking it seriously."

"Well, in your defense, you haven't taken anything serious since eighth grade."

I lightly punched him in the arm. "That's not true, bro." He raised his eyebrows. "I mean, we both know I haven't taken school seriously since the fifth."

He cracked a smile, and blew out smoke in a small ring. "We graduate in six months. You ready for it?"

"I'm just hoping there's hotter girls."

"Speaking of that," he trailed off. I looked at him, "you and Stacy?"

I shrugged. "What about her?"

"Are you guys still a thing?"

I shook my head and brought my cigarette to my mouth before blowing out more smoke. "I broke that off a week ago. I'm talking to Natasha now."

"Are you trying to get with the entire cheerleading team?" he asked. I smirked and he smiled. "Props to you, my friend."

My phone buzzed in my back pocket, and I reached for it. Reading the message on the lock screen, I rolled my eyes before putting it back in its place. "My mom just texted me, 'hope you have a good day at school'."

David laughed at my impression of my mom. "In other words, she means, 'I hope you're on your way to school or else I'm going to kill you after work'."

"Pretty much."

"Better get to school."

I looked at him, "you coming?"

He shook his head, and tossed his cigarette on the ground. He brought his shoe down before crushing it. "My parents couldn't care less about what I do." He looked at me. "Get to school. You're going to be late for first period."

I watched him walk toward his front door, and threw my cigarette down as well. Crushing it with my shoe, I grabbed my keys out of my pocket. I hopped inside, and honked at David before backing out of his driveway. What he said was true. His parents couldn't care less about what he did, and I sometimes wished my mom was the same way.

Coming to a stop sign, my phone rang. I fished it out of my back pocket, once again, and looked at the screen. It was my other friend, Nick. I answered, "what's up?"

"Yo, Cameron? Where are you, man?"

"On my way to school, why?"

I heard a car door slam. "Nothing. I just got here too. Ryan and I were just wondering how many you've gotten."

As soon as he said that, I smirked. A couple of months ago, my friends and I came up with a game. All of us had been single, and having fun at parties until Nick had this big idea. It started at parties. We'd see which one of us could get the hottest girl first. I'd always win, so I always had a reason to be cocky. But, parties soon became boring, and we took this challenge to school. Lately, it had been who could get the hottest girl at school, but it turned into how many girls we could get. I've still been winning.

"I don't know. Just add all of the cheerleading team to my number."

Nick chuckled. "How do you do it, man?"

I could see the school in the distance, and smiled. "It's what I do."

"Well, can you work some of that on the new girl?"

"New girl?" I perked up in my seat. "What new girl?"

"I guess I should say new girls because there's two of them."

"How do you know of them?"

More rustling could be heard from the other side of the line, and then Ryan's voice. Nick answered him before turning back to me, "Kelsey told me."

"Kelsey from Biology?"

"Yeah, you invited her to the party saying you wanted to 'hit it again'."

I nodded at the memory as if it were just another common thing everyone said. "She knows them?"

"Yup. Well, one of them. Her name's Rachel, and she's a senior like us. But, she has a little sister, apparently. Kels doesn't know her though."

Pulling into the school parking lot, I bit my lip. "Rachel?"

"Yeah, Kels invited her to your party."

I parked and shut off my car. "So, we'll wait to see her then?"

"Nah, Kels apparently invited her to eat with us at lunch."

My eyes shifted around the parking lot. It was empty besides the few running to the door. I looked at my phone, and noticed the time. It was seven seventeen, three minutes until the bell.

I brought my phone back up to my ear. "Well, you know what this means, right?"

I could almost imagine Nick smirking. "I can take a guess."

"Who's going to get her first?"

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