Star wars the clone wars

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One day the council decided to send obi-wan-Kenobi,Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano to Kamino to check up on things. They took 2,000 clone troopers with them just in case.when they got to Kamino they found out general grevous was going to attack!they quickly went to the communications tower to contact the council.the council sent kit fisto,Nahdarr vebb and 3,000 clone troopers to help.

On board general grevous's flagship the malevolence the general is talking to his master the mysterious Count Dooku...

You will need lots of firepower general said Count Dooku.i know my lord I have 10,000 droid's at my command said general grevous. Very good, but I'm sending asajj ventress to help you said Count Dooku. But I can do this alone said the concerned general. I know but asajj ventress has something that I think you will like. Contact me after you complete the mission said Count Dooku.

Argh!!!!!!!!!! He irritates me so much!! Said the smoking mad general grevous.

Back on Kamino everybody is getting ready. Ok so we all agree on this plan right asked kit fisto? Right said Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Nahdarr vebb and obi-wan-Kenobi. There will be 800 troopers at each landing bay and 1,000 at the barracks so that leaves us with 200 and those troopers will go with you Skywalker. You are to go up into space with your Padawan and attack. infiltrate they're ship and blow it up from the inside. You think you can handle that said kit fisto. Yeah I can handle it. come on Ahsoka let's go to the ship. Yes master but don't you think we should take captain Rex asked Ahsoka. No they need him more down here we'll be fine said Anakin. Remember what happened the last time you said that. we almost got devoured by a 50ft ice beast! I remember let's just get this over with so we can actually get to fight.

Back on the malevolence general grevous is getting really mad. Where is she! She is holding me up I could have destroyed half the planet by now but instead I'm stuck up here waiting for her! I'm right here said asajj ventress. What took you so long!yelled general grevous I had to pick something up. Here take this you'll need it. What is it? Asked general grevous. Plans for a new kind of droid.oh let's see it Hmm I like it lets call them s.p. droids (super patrol droids) I'll tell my worker droids to start construction immediately. We will attack in 24 hours when the droids are done said general grevous. Ok said asajj ventress.

On board the republic cruiser Anakin And Ahsoka are getting ready. Get the clones ready said Anakin.yes general said commander Cody. We have 3 gunships to take us there. The gold squad is going to protect us on our way there general said commander Cody.

Let's go then said Ahsoka. Ok everybody get on the gunships yelled Anakin.we're going to attack! The gunships engines started and they took off towards the malevolence. Arm yourselves men you won't have time when we get down there said Anakin.yes sir said the clone troopers.ok so when we land we are going to be at docking bay 4 we need to get to the central control room that means we have to go to the north junction then go up to docking bay 7 then find the west junction an then turn right then go straight 50 meters then turn left at the next junction then go up then go straight for 20 meters then we're there,got that everyone said how do think we can remember that master said Ahsoka. Fine I'll bring the map said Anakin. Ok we're at our destantnation said commander Cody. Get ready men said Anakin. Uh oh droids!attack!!!commander Cody hold them off well we go find general grievous. Yes sir said Cody.

Sir break in on dock 4.2 Jedi,200 clone troopers said a Droid. go kill those Jedi said grievous. Why don't we split them up said ventress I take these Jedi and you take some droids and attack the planet. Ok said grievous. I'll take 350 droids and 3tanks. Those Jedi won't know what hit them. Ha ha ha. Alright so we have a plan said ventress. Meanwhile the gunships have landed and they were fighting 20 droids. 10 minutes later,finally we beat those droids,now let's split up to find the control room ahsoka take 50 clone troopers and I'll also take 50 and Cody you take the rest ok said anakin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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