The past

18 1 0

Chapter 1

Carson POV


                            "Carson get your bags packed another family is here for you!" The headmaster of the orphanage yelled at me. Oh goody another crappy family is here to take me again, can't they just understand that this family is going to return me. For Christ sakes I'm already 16 years old I only got a good 2 years left until I'm going to go on my own. I swear if this family expects me to be all happy and cheerful that they're here well think again biotches (sorry I don't fully swear) I don't care.

                                 Let me tell you some thing about myself  from when I was about 8 years old I've went from family to family telling me the same thing. I always get told i'm useless and a waste of space. You get use to it after a while of being told over and over again, but they don't stop to think why I am this way. How would you react when you get home from school one day to find out that your parents died in a car crash. How about having no one in your family to take care of you so they ship you off to some orphanage all the way in London. I'm from New York so when they told me that I'm going to London at eight years old it's really scary. I didn't even get to attend my own parents funeral. 

                               I never really got to make friends because of  going to at least 10 different families in my past. The longest I stayed with a family is a whole year, and with that I was pretty darn proud of  them for putting up with me for that long. That family were a bunch of a**ho- I was interrupted by someone tugging at my pant legs. I look down and saw Bella the cutest little 3 year old with her thumb in her mouth and teddy bear in hand looking up at me. "Ms.BrInk sawd to cowme gwet you" man am I going to miss her, I was only 13 when she came here and I raised her like my own. "Thank you Bella I'll be out soon" that's when my heart broke. Bella started balling her eyes out and kept repeating " Pwease don't leawve Pwease don't leawve". I didn't want to leave her but I had no choice Ms. BrInk could be a real witch when it came to mine and Bella's relationship. She never liked that I was so protective over her I know what she feels like when coming here at a young age not knowing what to do. Bella only came here when she was about to turn 1 and I had the urge to protect her like she was my own daughter. I knelt down to her level gave her the biggest hug possible and wiped all her tears away. " Bella remember that promise I made you that if by the time I turn 18 and you are still here that I would come and adopt you?" she looked at with her big blue eyes and said " Ywes I rewember". 

                               I gave her another hug and went to the front office to see my new family. God I fracking hate this. There they are my new family and man do the look like they have sticks up they're a**es. Just like I pictured rich couple looking to make you like them. They was a women who looked around 35 long blond hair skinny as f*ck, her husband had to be 43 the most brown hair with some greys and what else is new he has muscles like he works out everyday. I hadn't noticed the were talking to me until Ms.BrInk shook my shoulder. "Sorry I zoned out what did you say?" The women said " Hi, Carson I'm Lilyanne I'm going to be your new mother!" She's way to happy for my liking. I can just picture what she's going to be like when I'm living with them. I zoned out once again not caring what she's saying. I came out of my daydream and noticed her husband aka new daddy looking at me like I was a piece of meat. Oh god someone kill me now, sorry old man I'm not interested I like guys my own age.

                                 How is lilyanne not noticing him looking at me like this, he's practically eye raping me.  This is going to be hard living with him if he keeps this up. Oh my fracking god I forgot I have a bunch of short shorts. Time to go shopping for new clothes because I'm definitely not wearing them around him. I finally decided to pay attention to what was going on and noticed everyone went into Ms.BrInk's office. How long was I focusing on my clothing not to notice this. Oh well, I'll go find Bella again. I really am going to miss her, she's like a part of me and I don't want to lose her. I know it's wrong but I kinda hope no one adopts her so I can have her. I know it's selfish of me but deal with it I practically raised her as my child. If it wasn't for her dumba** parents saying drugs are better than her I wouldn't have to worry about her like I do. 

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