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A wisp of purple appeared in the middle of his fight, and he found himself floating, as well as moving throughout what could only be described as space.

'What's going on?'

'You idiot! I told you to be careful! Shit... I'll try steering you to a world that can get you back to your own, ok?!'

'Y-yeah, thanks. I'm just gonna, doze off.'

'Yeah yeah, just don't forget about what happened.'

With those words, the figure closed his eyes, and let dreams invade his mind as he slept.

A figure awoke suddenly in a dark alley, they looked around, confused.

The figure had black hair with green highlights, looked to be around five foot six inches, and was wearing a suit of sorts.

He stood up, patting himself down, noticing nothing different has happened to him other then what happened just earlier, the figure tried activating their quirk, and blackish gold sparks started appearing from around the teen.

He then looked sadly at his wrists, before removing a device around each of them, he held both in one of his hand, before squeezing his hand, crushing the two objects.

He scaled up the wall of the alley, making his way to the top of a small building.

The figure noticed that the building was similar to that of the dark ages, and took a subtle peak inside of one.

Inside was a man sitting down on a couch, sharpening a sword, he noticed there wasn't anything like a tv, and the room itself looked old, everything was made of wood, with a stone chimney that housed a fireplace. There was carpet along the ground too, but it was a rough carpet, not anything you would find in a store.

The figure decided to keep climbing, and quickly made his way onto the top of the house. He looked around, just noticing how dark it was outside. He noticed that the city seemed to stretch up and out, leading to a huge castle standing right at the top of everything.

He sighed to himself, before starting to run along the rooftops.

After a while, he came across what looked like a bar, but it was labelled as a tavern, the figure took a peek inside the window, noticing nobody there except for two figures with weird guns, and the bartender.

The two figures were wearing wierd white suits, that had a graying collar around them, the onlooker also noticed how there were two helmets. Also completely white, with the face area covered a shade of gray.

He sighed to himself, and luckily found what seemed like an old rag in a nearby alley.

He placed the cloak around himself, covering up everything except for his legs and face, he decided to take off the mask, if you could still call it that, half of it was completely destroyed, showing half of the figures face.

He decided to destroy the mask as well, considering that currently it was useless. He clicked a button on his suit's chest area and around his feet (which were currently bare) a leather like substance started covering them, forming as shoes.

The figure walked into the tavern, finding a seat rather quickly, near the other two, but with a respectful distance, he called over the bartender and asked him a question.

"Do you by any chance have a map I could borrow?"

The bartender looked at the figure confused, before shaking his head and looking for a map to give the customer, it took a minute but finally he did. The bartender gave the teen a map, and went back to the other two customers, who were ordering seconds.

The teen thanked him as he left, and proceeded to get out of his seat, making his way back out of the tavern, he immediately ducked into an alleyway after he left, looking at the map he was given.

'The empire.'

The figure continued to survey the map, before throwing it away, he made his way down the main road, mumbling to himself as he did.

'Is this what you meant by wormholes?'

Yes, you appear to be in a completely different world.

'Fuck. Any chance that I might be able to get out of here?'

I do sense powerful objects in this world, and one does seem to posses the power to help us back home, however, I have no idea how to locate it.

'Well that's just great. Any idea as to where we are?'

'No, however, I wouldn't trust others easily here, the malicious power I sense here is extraordinary, and it's everywhere.'

'So I'm in a really corrupt place, so much for the empire.'

The figure stopped short as he tripped over something on the ground, looking back, he noticed it was another person, he pulled his cloak further over his head, in order to make sure the person on the ground didn't see his face.

"Um, I'm sorry for bumping into you, are you okay?"

The figure got a good look at the man before him, he only looked a few years older then himself, at most, and also had a pair of shining green eyes, he had messy brown hair and seemed to be wearing some sort of adventurers clothes, he also had a sword attached to the side of his waist.

The brown haired male looked up, before noticing something from behind the figure, the figure turned around, noticing a parked carriage, with a young girl wearing a blue and white dress coming out, she had blue eyes and long wavy blond hair.

The figure just barley heard two others from the carriage, they were also wearing that white getup the two from before were wearing.

'Soldiers then.'

"Again? My lady?"

The girl got out of the carriage, answering the one who asked, "you know I can't help it, it's my nature."

The girl walked calmly towards the two, before stopping short just a few feet from them.

The lady bowed, before looking between the two.

"If neither of you have nowhere to sleep, should you like to stay at my home?" She asked politely.

The brown haired teen just looked at her skeptically, as the one with the cloak stood to the side, deciding to observe.

"I don't have any money."

The teen slowly said.

The young lady just smiled, before replying, "you wouldn't be sleeping here if you did, would you?"

The two men dressed in white walked up behind the young lady, when one spoke.

"Lady Aria can't ignore people like you, you should accept her generosity."

"So what would you like to do?" The young lady, now defined as Aria, asked.

The brown haired male blushed slightly at the generosity, before agreeing.

"Then it's settled." Aria happily exclaimed.

"And you?" She then turned to the cloaked figure.

"Why not?"

"Great!" She said once more.

The brown haired figure looked at the cloaked one, sighing to himself.

"Um, hi, sorry for tripping you, but considering the circumstances, we should get to know each other, so my name is Tatsumi! What about you?"

The figure thought a moment, before reaching out his hand, "my name is Shiruko, it's nice to meet you, Tatsumi."

Tatsumi also put a hand out, forming the handshake, "you too Shiruko, let's be great friends."


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