How it all began

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  Izuku yagi was a boy who's love for hero's was like no other, not because of the fame they reserved or the quirk they possessed. But just of the fact he always thought that helping people was the coolest thing ever,one day izuku and his sister izume with their mother the number 5 pro hero Green Espress at the quirk doctor's ready to see what their quirk wer6. However it had turned out that izuku was diagnosed as quirkless but not his sister. Izumi had developed a quick much like their mother's but the difference was thar that the object that could be moved with the mind differs depending on her emotions call Gravity Control. Izumi was picked her up with praise and happiness while one the other hand izuku was sitting there shocked,sadden, upset and forgotten about..

At home toshinor yagi was waiting for his family to fined out what his kids quirk are. In reality he was the number one por hero All Might. The hero that his son looks up to the most, though his kid's aren't aware of it for their one safety . The door suddenly clicked open to reveal Inko with izumi in her arms and izuku was behind her still upset, though he hadn't noticed.

Toshi: So how'd it goo?!

Inko: Unfortunately izuku's quirkless, but izumi has a gravity controlling quirk that-

While his parents praised izumi for her awesome quirk they had not seen that izuku was standing there pondering what was happening. Why was he being ignored and not conferred? Was it because he was quirkless? Did he do something wrong? All these questions filled his mind over and over again but one played on repeat more that any of them, "can i still be a hero"?..

At school everyone began mocking and avoiding izuku like he had disease. The other's looked down on him and made snarky remarks about his 'quirklessnes'. He'd tryed to just ignore them and keep to himself, even though he was quirkless he still had hope to be a hero in the future. But his so called 'friend' weren't to happy about that.

He was sitting on a bench eating a boxed lunch that he made himself, he had gotten pretty good a cooking though he kinda had to since Inko had all of her focus on izumi. Soon four fingers were hovering around him, they belonged to his sister and three best friends that recently started to avoid him like the rest.

Izumi: izuku do you still want to be a hero?

Izuku: what?!YES more than any-AGH!!

He was cutt off by a blast to his face forcing him to hit the ground. His eyes began to form tears once he looked up to katsuki with a smug smile and explosions in his hands.

Katsuki: Just forget it deku your a quirkless USELESS NOBODY!!

Shoto: you'll never be a hero yagi

Shoka: y-Yeah

Izumi: are you Listening izuku? Exept it you will never be a hero!!

For that pont on izumi and her friends would torment him for just talking about heros. All excited shota using their quirks to intimidate him in an endless cycle of paine. Although they keep noticed that not matter how much the hurt him, humiliated him, laugh at him keep getting back up. Izuku's parents attention was so focused on izumi that they weren't aware of this bullying. All they could think about was izumi and how she could be the 'next symbol of peace'. One day Toshinori had told izumi his secret about him being All Might and One for All saying that she would be his successor to his power one her body was strong enough to inherit it.Izumi ask her father however about her brother but all he said to her was" well he's quirkless and doesn't really show any of the traits to be a hero so he's out". Unaware to them izuku was also there listening to everything and he couldn't believe what he had heard, his father was the number one hero the man he admired the most and it just made everything even worse. What everybody didn't know about him was although he didn't have a quirk he did have a special gift, this gift allowed him to know when someone was lying or not. I know it sounds like a quirk but it really isn't for some reason he was just always able to know when someone was lying and this broke izuku more than anything else has before because he knew that his father meant every word of what he said. All he ever wanted was for someone to notice his potential, he had been ignored for so long that no one had noticed that he had been secretly been training his body just so he could defend himself against everyone how puts him down everyday.

And that was it izukus dreams had been completely shattered and but his father and hero at once.

Time skip to when izuku is 11

Izuku has been walking home from school after another serious beating by his sister and her Friends, even after what his father said he's still had the smallest hope that he could still be a hero even though everyone still kept on beating him senseless for still believing that he could. Usually he would walk home with his sister but today he just decided to avoid her as much as possible because the next day would be his 12th birthday and ever since that day at the doctor's he hasn't celebrated his birthday not even once since his parents put all their time and energy into izumi.They would apologize and say that they would make it up to him later but they never did needless to say he really wasn't looking forward to another lonely birthday. Although unannounced to him someone was watching him, keeping an eye on his every move. Izuku head turned around to notice a man in a business suit was standing right behind him. He was about 6.5 feet tall , had short white hair and had a devilish smile on his face.

Izuku:w-who are y-you??

AFO: hello there little izuku, who I am isn't important all you need to know is that the reason I'm here is to wish you a happy birthday.

Izuku could tell immediately that he was lying.There was something off about this man he gave off such a frightening aura he was too scared to move.

Izuku: i know your lying, I can always tell when somebody's lying you didn't come all the way here to wish me a happy birthday.

AFO: what do you mean you can tell that I'm lying if I'm not mistaken your quirkless.

Izuku:I don't know how i do it i just always know when somebody's lying...but wait how did you know I'm quirkless??

This made all for one even more curious about this young man and wanted to learn more about him in this so-called gift his.

AFO: okay you've got me, my name is all for one, I'm here because you are the son of all might. My greatest enemy however I've been watching you for quite awhile and have noticed that neither your parents or your sibling or anyone has  noticed all the suffering you've endured these many years and all because you're born quirkless if am not mistaken.

Izuku wasn't sure who this man was or why he was lying about his name although he had heard that he said he knew his father and that he was his greatest enemy. So that can only mean that he is a villain but what he said next entry to him caught his attention that he still stuck around to listen what he had to say next.

AFO: izuku the real reason that I'm here is I want you to come with me, if you do I'll give you the one thing you've always wanted more than anything..a quirk

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing did he say he could give him a  quirk.

Izuku: can you really do that??

AFO: I take it that means you accept now come along  little izuku, I'm also very interested learning more about this gift you spoke of.

Izuku was at a loss for words, all he could do was nod his head and slowly walk towards the man as a purple portal soon opened up next to them both and the man caused him to follow and he did. Once he stepped inside he soon found himself in what appear to be a bar and what looks like a man covered in purple Mist behind the counter and next to him was another man with what looked to be hands all wrapped around his body.

???: Master welcome back and I'm assuming that's him?

AFO: yes this is him also prepare to send a message to all might and green espress, izuku welcome to the league of villains

Izuku couldn't believe where he was inside the lair of a group of villains, even though his father/hero had crushed his dreams he still had hope and this went against everything he believed it. But a second later izuku felt something, a dark menacing aura that surrounded the entirety of where they were standing. It was even more ominous and heavy then the aura all for one gave off, his presence paled in comparison to what it was he was feeling now. But beyond that he heard something, a voice calling to him. It sounded so deep and frightening but at the same time he felt as though him and this dark, heavy, ominous evil presence we're somehow connecting to each other.

Unknown voice: i have found my new Vestal

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