Please excuse any mistakes
My name is Jayda Cheaves. I just turned 21 and I'm now a nurse. When I was in nursing school I worked at the strip club as a bottle girl. My mother is a doctor and my father is the district attorney. They paid for me to go to school but i wanted my own money.
The schedule I had was crazy and the club was the only one willing to work around it.
My parents found out when someone took a picture of me and of course it was in the news paper.
My dad told me if I quit he'd double whatever I had in my bank account. My mother basically disowned me, until the day she got sick. That day changed my life forever
2:25 am
Jayda POV
"Ughhhh" I said irritated because who is calling me this late!
"Hello" I said in my sleepy voice
"Jay get up" my dad said hurriedly
"Daddy do you see what time it is"
"Yo-your mother, she's been admitted into the hospital"
"I'm on my way"
I instantly jumped out of my bed running to my closet grabbing the first pair of sweatpants I see. I run to the bath room and brush my teeth.
The hospital is a 30 minute drive from my townhouse. I get into my Benz and put on my flashers. Most of the police officers know D.A is my dad so they wouldn't stop my car anyway. I just took precautions for other drivers.
I make it to the hospital in 13minutes and run though the emergency room doors.
"I'm here-" I got cut off by my dad
I run to his arms "daddy what's going on"
"She had a seizure, that's all they've told me"
"Wasn't she at work"
He nods, well I guess it's a good thing she was already here
"Richard" doctor bonner, one of my moms coworkers comes from the back
My dad stands up "what's going on Tyrone"
"It's a sensitive matter" he explains "she has a tumor on her brain, it caused the seizure and bleeding on her brain, she's stable and heavily medicated but she does need blood" says looking at me
"Of course" I instantly agree because I would do anything to save my mother
I walk to the back with doctor Bonner and my dad and I give them a few pints of blood and he takes us to see my mama
"She will be in and out for the next few hours, I'll have to check and make sure everything is clean in your blood, I'll be back in a few hours"
I nod not really caring about anything he's saying. I walk over to my moms bed and hold her hands.
"Angel face" she said sounding drunk
"Hey mama"
"I'm so happy to see you baby"
"Ma you should know I'd be here for you"

My brother's best friend
Sonstiges'Jayda' always felt like she was the black sheep of her family. She soon finds out a terrible secret, causing her to move from Atlanta to Harlem Okay so I wanted to make a new story with not a lot of drama and a happy ending.