~Cute~ Chapter 1

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Knock, knock, knock.

The soft sound of knuckles rapping against Katsuki's door could be herd.
"Hey Bakubro! It's me Kirishima."
That bastard, Bakugo thought.
" 'Aight, you can come in." He said voice raspier than usual.
Eijirou walks in and is greeted by the sight of the Katsuki Bakugo curled up in a blanket, moon light reflecting off his porcelain face and cheeks a natural rosy color. Wow, is all Kirishima could think as he stared.
The blonde yawned and stretched. To Kirishima it sounded kinda like a kitten meow, but he would never say it out loud, out of fear of getting blasted back into next week. No rational person would.
Turns out the ash blonde was only wearing a light blue, oversized sweater and a pair of black boxers.

Kirishima's POV
"Are you just gonna stand and stare like an idiot or are you gonna tell me why the fuck you woke me up?"
"Oh right sorry."
"Well, we were all down in the common area and out of the blue Mina suggested that we should have a karaoke night, she somehow got Iida to agree by saying, "it will be like a bonding experience for us." So Iida got everyone together and realized that you where in your room, why do you go to sleep so early, kinda like a kitten..."
"I am not like a kitten, in no way, shape or form, you got that?!"
"Oh right, sorry bro."
"Anyways, now I'm here. Get ready cause you have no choice weather or not you want to go." Kirishima chuckled at the blondes expression.
"Those bastards. I'm gonna fucking kill them the next time I see them, ruining my sleep schedule..." his mumbling trailed off.
"Why are you still I here?"
"Oh, I kinda want to choose some clothes for you, your sense of fashion is um...a little too baggy."
"What did yo—!"
"Don't argue with me. You have a fucking tiny waist. Get used to it. Ain't nothing you can do about it."
"Hmph, fine...you can choose some clothes for me Eiji..." I smiled.
"Alright Suki...lets see."
His ears reddened, he thought that I didn't hear him.  I chuckled again.
He just payed back down and played with his fingers.
Does this boy really not know how cute he is??
10 minutes later.
I had found a light pink, oversized sweater with a white button down dress shirt underneath and a sunflower in the middle paired with a light blue pair of high rise jeans I found stuffed in the back of his closet, probably cause he didn't want to wear them, or want anyone to know he had them... He seems to have an infatuation with shoes, he has a whole rack full of them, he also has small feet, size seven. I'll have to remember that.  The shoes I chose for him where a pair of pastel, orange vans.
I looked him over and he squinted at me.
"What are you looking at?"
"Suki...you do know how cute you are, right?"
The look look on his face told me all I needed to know. He didn't believe me. He hid his eyes with his hair, slightly curly from washing it before going to sleep.

I walked towards him, reached my head out and moved a stray lock if curled hair behind his ear.

"Don't let anyone, ever tell you you're not beautiful or cute or handsome, you are all of those things. I don't care if you don't believe me. But it's the truth. I wish people could see what I see, the soft cute side of you instead of the loud and brash side..." I trailed off hoping my words had some effect on him.

" Let's just go."He mumbled.

Once we got downstairs Mina ran up to use and yelled,
"Oh my gosh!! Blasty, you look so cuute!!"
"You have to tell me where you got that sweater, we can be twins on day!!"
She kept rambling on and on.

Some people started to look over at Suki and I. He teamed up, no one seemed to notice but me.

Out of nowhere Mineta says,
"What are you, a fag? Ha! Who would've guessed? Mr. Number One is gay. He is gay~..." He kept chanting it.

I was ready to throw hands, but out of no where Midoriya stalked over and slapped him hard across both cheeks.

"So what if he is gay? He'll always be fucking better than you!! You grape ass, piece of shit!"

Everyone gasped.
No one had ever heard Midoriya swear. Ever.

Everyone started whispering.
Suki was getting anxious again.

He started scratching his palm. I didn't think much of it until people started coming closer to us, then I noticed the closer people came the harder he would scratch.

"Eh! Back off a little will you? Let him breath."

I quickly took his hand in mine and examined it. Luckily everyone had stopped walking towards us.

It didn't need to be bandaged, thank god I thought.

I ruffled his hair. He looked up and squinted at me. Huh, he's been squinting a lot.

"Hey Suki, why do you keep squinting?"
"I uh, took my contacts out before I went to sleep." He whispered.

"Oh that would explain it."

"Three minutes til we leave everyone!" Iida yelled

"We don't have time for you to put them in or to go upstairs and back. I'll go ask Momo to make a pair of glasses for you."

I walked over to Yaoyorozu and explained the situation, she was happy to make them, she and Bakugo were basically best friends, they had so much in common, it just made sense.

Unfortunately she didn't know the size he needed so she just made them off of an estimate.
She made some round ones with a nose thingy to help keep them up.

I went over to the couch, I had seen him through the corner of my eye walk over to it with a tired expression.

He looked up squinting as I was approached him, I lifted his chin up with my pointer finger and placed the glasses on. I'm not gonna lie, I started to burn up. This boy had no idea how adorable he was. How could someone so...perfect, be so insecure.

"Alright everyone onto the bus!" Iida yelled.

Everyone filed out of the room and onto a large bus with the school symbol, U.A., on it.

Kat and I took the seats in the back next to a window. Mina, Kami and Sero flowed behind us and took the seats across.

Well...I thought as I took his hand in mine. I guess this might end well.

•Karaoke Night• a KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now