Leaving Home

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I woke up by the sunlight creeping into my room. I pulled myself out of bed, my hair in a messy bun and wearing my satin red pyjama shorts and top. I walked over to my vanity and as I stared at my reflection, the mask on my back wall stared back at me as well. My anonymous mask. How much I wished to be a part of their team. I'd been working on my hacking skills for years, hoping to get their attention, yet to no avail. As I daydreamed about being part of anonymous, my stomach rumbled, interrupting my short dream. I didn't even realize how hungry I was. I decided it was probably time to head down and make some food for myself.

I reached the bottom of the stairs, and quickly made way for the kitchen. There was my mother, sitting at our small kitchen table, with her head over a cup of coffee and her phone, scrolling through Twitter. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and took the rest of the coffee in the pot and poured it into a light blue coffee mug. I walked over to my mother, and sat down beside her at the kitchen table. Her face looked stressed, the signs of aging not helping either. She was most likely worrying about money. Since Dad had left, we hadn't been doing very well on our own, with her working full time at our local grocery store, and myself pulling as many odd jobs as possible to make ends meet. I was 17, almost 18, where I should of been saving up for college when instead all my money was going towards our bills. It was like Mom didn't even notice me sit down beside her. "Mom?", I spoke quietly, worried I might disturb her from her thoughts. She glanced up at me, a sorry look on her face. "Oh, hi sweetie," she said sheepishly, almost as if she was hiding something. "What's up today?",
I asked, pointing to her phone, still on the Twitter app. "Oh, well", she started. "Anonymous has exposed many public figures, including Donald Trump, with everything going on it seems to be the perfect time." "You're right," I responded. "It is the perfect time." She reached her hand out towards mine. "There's also something I've been meaning to tell you-" her sentence was cut off just as a large, shiny black van pulled into our driveway. "Who's that?" I said alarmed, as I didn't recognize this vehicle. "Well you know, we've been tight for money and, um, I know how much you like Anonymous so... I sold you to them." I couldn't believe what she had just said. I didn't know what to say. Finally, what felt like an eternity, words flew out of mouth like bullets out of a machine gun. "How could you do this? I like them, but this is too much! I thought you loved me? What about my stuff?" I could see how sorry she felt by her facial expressions, figuring out how to respond to my questions. "I do love you, so much," she started, "I packed up all your stuff this morning while you were asleep. Everything will be fine."

My Mom Sold Me to Anonymous😳Where stories live. Discover now