The Band Interview

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       The pleasure rolled through her like thunder and could be seen on her face clear as day. Throughout the concert it was all pleasure and slowly it all came to an end.

         The pain of her lonliness drifted back into her heart and there was nothing she could do to stop it even if it was almost more than she could handle. Stepping back behind the stage she followed the others back to the interview with a sigh.

          She hated interviews. It's right next to insane stalking, my mother, and fans, Tessa thought. She had heard her own lifes story from a chick she didn't even know during an interview once, gave her cold chills just thinking about it. Fans, she despised them even more than her own mother.

          Sitting down she crossed her arms over her chest, the others could tell she was aggitated from the mere thought of an interview, but it all came in a package with the pleasure of playing with the other girls so she would bear with it for them but that didn't mean she had to like it.

          Tessa was zoned out the entire time unless she was asked a question and even then she would give one worded ansewers not careing what others thought. Tessa didn't have much a life outside the band and her ungrateful mother so there wasn't much for her to tell anyway.

          She tuned back into the conversation when they started to talk about another band she had never heard of.

          "The hottest one in the band is the guitarist Tom," the girl said and she went on about his hot body and eventualy Tessa feared she had heard about his life story and she had never even met him.

          Then they moved on to talk about the band it's self until Tessa interupted the girl with "We should like to meet this band," and all the other girls nodded in agreement.

          Tessa rose from her seat to leave when she was stopped by the lead guitarist ,Broooklyn. "We're not done yet T," she said useing the nick name the others had given her.

          With a 'hmph' she sat and drifted off to sleep ignoring the looks of sympathy from the other band members who knew how much she hated the damn interviews.

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