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Sophia's POV

I smiled thinking about my encounter with Jax.

That dork.

I walked into class as I took my seat.

"All right class. Pop quiz!!" The cheerful teacher says excitedly making some of us groan.

Why is she so excited?! At this time in the morning?!!

I sighed closing my text book. Oh well,thankfully I studied already.


I walked into the cafeteria and Olivia walked up to me.
She's a blonde girl with a failed boob job and a uniform way too tight and short for her.

"Omg Sophia,did you get your hair done?" She asked with fake surprise

"No?" I said like a question.

"Anyways,I heard afew rumors involving your little picture with piggy, I mean, poggy boy Jax" I clenched my jaw as she showed me a pic of me and Jax making out this morning.

"So?" I said as she gaped at me.

"Why are you attracted to someone like him? I mean,he's poor than a pig in a pen" she laughed at her own joke.

"Oh yeah?well that poggy is a way better kisser than your boyfriend ever was and ever will be " she gaped at me as I smirked and walked away but not before grabbing her by her hair.

"And don't you dare call him a pig,if anyone's a pig here,its your ugly fat ass and fake failed tits" she gaped at me as I passed her taking my seat in the populars table.


I walked out from the school as I frustratingly got in my car.
I had just finished cheer practice.

Yep,I'm a cheerleader.

I was still in my cheer leading uniform similar styled to the ones you'd see in a movie like Bring it on.
Only ours are a bit low cleavage and the skirts are a perfect fit.

I had on white high based sneakers and my hair was in the ponytail.
I got in my car,calling Anna.

"Hey! I'm still in school. Sorry" she says as soon as she picked up.

"That's fine. I just finished now,do you want me to come pick you up?" I asked.

"Sure. See you soon"

"Ok" I said cutting the call.

I drove out and got a quick meal at the diners takeaway in town before I drove to her school.

Once I parked up, I plugged in my air pods and started playing a game on my phone.
I had the air con turned on cause its hot as hell.

Someone taps on the window making me jump slightly as I see a smirking Jax standing over my car.
I put down the window and without a word,he dives his head in capturing my lips in a sweet kiss.

God,he's such a good kisser.

We break away and I blushed when I noticed his friends cheering him on.

"Hey" he says in a husky voice.

"Hi" I said and his eyes draw in on my cleavage making smirk.

I got out the car as Jax pushes me up against it and leaned down kissing me on the lips as I smiled against his lips.

"Woah,ok guys,break it up" just as Jax hand found the front of my chest,John had yelled to break it up.
I closed my eyes as Jax latched his tongue on my neck.

"Oi! Jax!" Jax groaned as he kisses my cheek and scowled at John and Graham, his friends.

"What?" He asked irritated as I opened my drivers car door and I take a seat having my legs swinging out the car as Jax was talking to John and Graham while I waited for Anna.

The passenger door opening draws me out of my long train of thoughts.

"Hey" I smiled at her and she returned the smile.

"Hey" she says tiredly as she leaned against the headrest

"Long day?" She nodded eyes closed.

"Yeah...." I just nod once before I put my legs back in the car.

"Ok Jax, we're leaving"  I said as I'm about to close my car door but he blocks it with his body as he leaned down and kissed my lips. My hands wrapped around his neck and ran a hand through his hair smiling when his hands went up my dress cheer leading uniform.

"Ok,that's enough" Anna says and I pulled away.

"Can we meet at Crabs again tonight?" He asked and I smirked.

"Is that a date?" I asked as he pecks my lips.

"Only if you want it to be" he shrugged and I nodded.

"Yeah,I'll see you tonight" he nodded and pecks my lips.

"Bye Anna" Anna waved back at Jax who got out.
He shuts the door and leaned in pecking my lips again as I got the car started.

"I can't wait for tonight" he mumbled.

"Me neither" I said before we drove off.

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