a mugging, a lunch box and gratitude

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(sry if anyone is ooc, i havent seen/read bnha in a while. hope you like it and that its not too bad, thanks for reading also sry for the swearing but im keeping it in cuz it makes things fun for me)

In the night naruhata is filled with all lights and sounds of people that make it known that the whole city is alive a young girl was out walking alone. In the hustling and bustling of the streets she made her way to the supermarket to buy groceries for her and her dad when suddenly as she was passing an alleyway someone grabbed her and pulled into the darkest corners of the alley.

"Hand over your money or else"

 'oh great, a piece of crap that thinks he can rob anyone he pulls into an alley'

"Didn't you hear me, now give me your money" he drew a knife as he barks out every word 'Fuck I should respond before he starts doing some crazy shit'

"I only have barely enough to pay for my groceries this week. Can you let me go? I won't tell anyone" ' she asked in a believably meek tone while internally ranting over how low public safety. But the only response she got to her words was a hard punch to the stomach which caused her to knock her head on the wall of the dark alley they were in. The pain was almost enough for her to topple over

"Just hand over your wallet and I won't have to gut you like a fish unless you want to die?" the man uttered in a playful as he hovered his knife closely over her stomach.

"A-alright *wheeze* " 'god dang ompalompa looking ass bitch' the poor girl started fumbling through her things trying to find a grasp on her wallet in her large bag( black hole is more like it) . "H-here, its all I've got" 

'I just had to leave my things at home today. I should just keep a brick in my purse from now on. AH! I still have that safety alarm fob thingy dad gave me attached to my key chain,all I have to do is reach it and find it in my black hole of a bag( see even she agrees with me).' She inwardly groaned 'THIS SUCKS'  

"Now that I have all this cash why don't we have a little fun? Its already late and no one would enter a dark alley at this time of night."

"what!? no! I already gave you my wallet. That should be enough. Leave me alone. Someone HELP THERES A-! mmph !" the young girl struggled as a hand was clamped on her mouth. 

You'd hope the events playing out would be some thing out of fiction, but sadly it was all to real, these types of crimes happen every day, this was real and it was happening fast. But you have to admit that this kid is one hell of an actor and posses amazing resolve not to break this guys ass, which she can totally do by the way,but it would be very suspicious if a young girl could defeat a grown man with a knife without using her quirk. And those were questions she couldn't feel good about answering.

"Shut the fuck up you bitch." slamming her face first into the wall with such force it knocked the wind out of her body."no one is coming, so give it rest or i'll break your wrist" 

He squeezes harder on her arm that's held behind her back with enough strength he thought would be enough to make her cry out in pain, just like all the others. 'Just a bit further, I can almost get it with my free hand. Maybe I can get away with whooping his ass when this is done.' 


However anzu's thoughts were horribly interrupted. 'Did this dick seriously just touch my ass? Is it national cop a feel day? If he does that one more time I'm pressing that alarm and the moment I can get him off me I'm kicking him where the sun don't shine' and unfortunately for this poor low life, he did indeed touch her one more time.

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