chapter 1

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Lucy was singing and cooking lunch while her boyfriend was playing video games

Lucy: "baby! Food is ready"

She heard footsteps walking in the kitchen then felt arms around her waist kisses her on the cheek

King:"what did you made"

She giggles and handed him a plate

Lucy:"made your favorite"

King:"thanks baby I'll help wash the dishes

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King:"thanks baby I'll help wash the dishes

Lucy:"baby you dont have to"

King:"nope too late"

He started washing the dishes after he done than he walk back to the livingroom and lucy roll her eyes and starting clean up all suddenly her phone started to go off she pick it up and answer it.
Lucy:"Hello.....Oh hey leni! How's life?......that's good right now I'm just done making lunch for me and my boyfriend"

she pulled the phone away from her ear because leni was yelling

Lucy:"geez leni leni leni clam down yes I have a boyfriend............ahahaha yeah so why you call.........oh family dinner........okay I'll be there I'll bring my boyfriend with me...........okay I see you tomorrow bye"

She hangs up then goes in the living room she saw king relax and laying down she walks up to him and lay down on him he wrapped his arms around her waist kiss on the lips and her on head

She hangs up then goes in the living room she saw king relax and laying down she walks up to him and lay down on him he wrapped his arms around her waist kiss on the lips and her on head

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King: "who's on the phone"

Lucy: "just my sister Leni she just asked me to come home to have a family dinner"

King: "are you going?"

Lucy:"yeah I'm going and i told her I'm dating someone now she wants to meet you I bet she told the whole family about it too"

She sighed

King:"baby I'll come with you"

Lucy: "Are you sure babe because my family is can be a little too much.."

King:" Baby  You remember how you met my crazy ass family "

Lucy:" ahaha Yeah I remember  When we were at your  Cousin's graduation homecoming party Your aunt Medea is crazy pulled at out a gun to your aunt's ex husband"

Both laughed and they continue watching TV and they slowly fell asleep

Lucy's boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now