Part 1

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Madison's pov

Hi I'm Madison I'm 19 and I have a daughter named adaley who is 3 yes I was 16 when I had her. But the whole story behind what happened was that I was dating a guy in high school got pregnant and he never wanted to see her. My family has helped but mostly I do it on my own. My bestie nessa helps sometimes adaley loves her so. She didn't know her dad but he don't want to know her so. I live in an apartment in la and I work as a YouTuber and ya

A- mommy
She asked running up to me
M- ya baby
I said picking her up and putting her on my hip
A- can we go swimming
M- why not it's warm outside, let's eat first then we can get our stuff and go
I made her some pancakes and she ate them all

She then went to her room bc she wanted to pick which swim suit to wear, she picked this one

She then went to her room bc she wanted to pick which swim suit to wear, she picked this one

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And I picked this one

I put on her cover up and a sweater over mine and we went off to the beach

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I put on her cover up and a sweater over mine and we went off to the beach

At the beach

We just got here and it's not to busy

A- mommy can we go in
M- ya but baby come here first we need to put on some sunblock and u need your water wings
She came over and I sprayed her with the sunscreen and put on her water wings and she grabbed my hand and ran into the water.

She was just learning how to swim so we just played near the sand so she could sit down but still be in the water.

Payton's POV

Me,jaden,Bryce, Addison,ness,Josh and Jackson were all going to the beach. When we got there we were laying all of our towels down and I saw this cute little girl and what looks to be her stunning mom playing. I whispered over to jaden and said

P- I wonder what kinda of asshole left them
Ja- idk but he made the wrong choice

We started to go in the water when the little girl ran over to nessa yelling her name, it was really cute. When she got over to her nessa pick up the little girl and hugged her and spun her around and then the little girl hugged josh I wonder how she new them. Then I saw her beautiful mom come over and hug nessa

Madison's pov

When we were playing adaley got up and ran to omg nessa I walked over to her and hugged her

N- hey babe
M- omg I didn't know u would be here and hey josh
I said hugging him, he still had adaley in his arms
M- I'm starting to think u like my daughter more then me . I laughed
J- well I mean have I seen this face. He said squishing her cheeks
M- yes I have know that she my daughter and I gave birth to her.
N- hey Madison I want u to meet the gang, jaden, Bryce, Addison,Jackson and Payton
Payton caught my eye he was really cute, he had brown hair and brown eyes I could get lost in.
M- hey nice to meet u

Ev= everyone
J= josh
Jac= Jackson

Ja- hey is that your daughter
He asked pointing to adaley
M-ya she is addles say hi
N-aww josh give me her she's mine
She says trying to take her from josh.
J-no she's mine
Addles is just giggling away
M-actually she's mine but u can have her for now I need a break
N- actually that remains me of something, remember our last conversation about u know who's dad. She said pointing to adaley
M- I don't want to talk about him again especially when she's around.
Jac- I'm not trying to be nosy or mean but does she see her dad.
When he said that I looked down I always feel so bad that she doesn't know her dad even tho it's not my fault I still feel bad
M- um no
Jac- oh
M- ya
I had tears forming in my eyes and nessa could see she's the only person who know how tough of a subject this is.
N- um josh can u watch addles I'm gonna go talk to Madison.
J- of course
Then nessa hugged me and walked me to the bathrooms

Joshes pov

Jac- omg did I do something wrong
Ja- of course u did dipshit why do u think she's crying
When he said that I hit his arm and mouthed stop
A- mommy's crying
She said with the saddest look on her face
A- did I do something wong, I thought I was being a good girl. She had tears in her eyes. I gave jaden the death stare.
J- no addles u were a good girl mommy's not crying she just went to talk to nessa, don't cry.
A- ok
J- why don't u go make a sand castle I'll sit here and watch u ok
A- ok
Ja- Um what did I do wrong
P- u are stupid the little girl was gonna cry she thought that she was the reason Madison's upset she thought she did something wrong
Ja- oh well why was she crying
J- Um so when she got pregnant in high school she told her boyfriend at the time adaleys dad and he told her that he didn't want anything to do with addles bc she would ruin his life and so she's had to raise her by herself. Her family wasn't much help and so now anytime people ask about her dad she feels like it's her fault that she doesn't have one.
Jac- omg I didn't know I'm sorry
J- it's fine u just have to watch what u say around her she has had a pretty rough time.
P- what was her dads name
J- um kio
P- oh I feel bad, but does Madison have a boyfriend
J-um no but if u like her there's one way to get close to that girl and make her love u
P- and that is
J- treat her daughter right.
I looked over to adaley and she was playing in the sand I got this.

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