4. A Test of Our Strength

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[Y/n] walked down the hallway, it was now time for All Might class, which she was secretly excited for. Stopping at the entrance she saw she was one of only a few other students to arrive early, before going to her seat she poked her head out only to see a blonde with a lightning bolt in his hair hurridly run beside a pink haired girl.

[Y/n] wanted to scream but stopped herself from doing so, turning into the classroom and quickly taking a seat before she was trampled.

After a few minutes passing everyone was in their seats chatting away leaving the [h/c] haired girl to sit in silence, waiting eagerly for All Mights appearance.

Finally, the waiting was over! All Might, #1 hero had come through the door!

"Here I am!! Coming through the door like a normal person!" she said, his famous smile on his face.

[Y/n] could hardly contain her bright and cheery smile, she knew all might pretty well since her father was a Pro hero. She had been to many crime scenes and seen him at almost all of them.

What the female had yet to realize over her fan-girling was that everyone was allowed to retrieve their hero costumes, which made her even more pumped!

[1st person]

I ran down the hallway, costume in hand into the changing room.

I squealed, it was just as I imagined! Although the design wasn't like traditional Valkyrie fighters its what made it special!

I slipped on the spiked armored top over the body suit that covered me from head to toe, I also put on the boots, clicking them on the top of the armor.

Looking around I spotted the respective gauntlets that were supposed to be worn with the costume.

"Perfect!" I whispered in a happy tone "Now where is...." digging around I had finally found it, my sword.


You walked out from the tunnel, the blackness of the canceling out the sun from reflecting off of it. You held a beautiful in hand, its tradition to carry a sword for Valkyries.

Stopping, you saw a redhead, his whole upper body exposed walk towards me "WOW! [Y/n], your costume is super manly!!" he smiled, his jagged and sharp teeth showing.

You blushed, not knowing how to respond to his comment "Uhm! Thank you!!" you said, giving him a warm smile back "I also like yours, what does the 'R' stand for?" you pointed to his belt.

"Oh! it stands for Red riot! it's going to be my hero name!" he beamed, he was adorable!

Before you could chit chat with the cutie any longer it was time for All Might to announce what we were doing.

"Hello students, we will be doing Hero VS Villain training! You will pick a ball that was a letter and number, find someone with the same letter and you are a team!" you went to go pick but all might quickly stopped you "You wont have a team, at random times you are allowed to pop in, you can help the heroes OR the villains!" you sheepishly smiled, this was going to be interesting...


Up first was the adorable and sweet Midoriya against he raging dandelion Bakugou, you felt extremely sorry for Midoriya and his teammate, Uraraka. Bakugou seemed like someone who, if he could, would kill someone.

You had planned to join in the middle of the fight, to help Midoriya and Uraraka, but you quickly saw that in this fight, you would panic and most definitely hurt someone.

After the horrific fight with mirodiya, Uraraka, Iida, and Bakugou it was finally Todoroki and Shoji.

You decided to import yourself at the very start, giving the hero team a better chance of winning.

To confuse the villain team you decided to something risky.

Activating your secondary quirk your skin turned white and veins appeared all over your arms and face.

Grabbing a stone pillar you sent a powerful energy down to the first floor, cracking everything on it.

The floor soon turned to ice, sealing you to the floor. Not wanting to give up yet your hands made contact with the ice, bursting it into splinters.

Although you escaped the hero team did not... Resulting in Shouto and Shoji to win.


[Y/n] trudged down the hallway, her hero costume was surprisingly light weight but maybe it was cause she had gotten use to it... Anyway, she was extremely excited! the next day she had heard rumors of going to a special place called USJ, she had zero idea what it meant but she hoped it meant fun stuff!

The girl arrived at class, almost half of everyone was seated nicely chatting with their neighboring desk buddy but the girl had decided to day dream, staring out the window as she waited for her father to arrive.

"Alright class.." Most of everyone had sweat dropped "We will be picking student body president" everyone cheered in delight, it was a normal school activity!

Everyone had casted their votes in, [y/n] putting hers for Momo since she was just so amazing at decoding fights!

The votes appeared on the board, momo having 4 and Midoriya, surprisingly, having 5!

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHO VOTED FOR DEKU!" Bakugou shouted, [y/n] sighed, hes like a ticking time bomb..

"Well i bet you voted for yourself.." someone sneered at the angry ash blonde "WELL YEAH? CAUSE IM THE BEST!"

You couldn't wait till this was over...


Finally! The bell had rung signalling it was lunch time. [y/n] walked the hallway, her [e/c] hues scanning the crowd to try and find Uraraka and Midoriya until an alarm went off, making people panic.

Iida was squished against [Y/n], but while he was he alerted her some camera men and women had broken past security.

After that episode Uraraka and Iida saved the day which resulted in Iida getting a new nickname called 'Exit Sign'

After lunch we returned back to class, Midoriya standing nervously beside Momo.

"U-uhm.. I have something to say" he called out "I think Iida should be Student Body president.. Hes much more capable than me" he smiled.

And not long after Iida was declared the new president.

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