Chapter 1

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Tap, tap, tap, click, tap, tap, tap.

The sounds of the keyboard almost gave Gillian a headache as he typed and typed. He was no procrastinator, perhaps he was the exact opposite. He liked to get his essays and projects done the day they're introduced rather than right before the deadline.

People didn't like him in group projects very much.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose then saved the document and hesitantly shut his laptop. He guessed dinner would be done soon anyway. He set his laptop aside and picked up a bouncy ball on his bed. He held it up and let go, watching as it stayed suspended in the air.

Gillian was part-demon, he got it from his mother. Though his mother's powers were fire and his were telekinesis. This was caused by a mutation in his genes. It also affected his emotions and he was born without them. Luckily for him, they slowly emerged. Not that he'd like to admit it.

He picked up another ball and juggled, but cheated using his powers. Its not like anyone was watching anyway. Then he heard his mother call for dinner. So he let the balls fall to the floor and stood.

He arrived in the dining room to find his twin brother, Carlos, already there. His Dad, Dakota, was just barely sitting.

His mother, Cami, gave him a warm smile. Gillian did not smile back and kept his blank expression as he sat. 

"How was your guys day?"

"The usual," Carlos and Gillian said at the same time, though Carlos's tone was a lot more cheerful than Gillian's.

Cami's smile turned into a nervous one. She always got freaked out when the twins say something at the same time. They don't do it on purpose, it just happens sometimes.

Dakota ruffled Gillian's hair as he was the closest and smirked, "Don't have any interesting drama?"

"I don't interact with my peers unless required for an assignment," Gillian responded flatly.

Dakota couldn't help but laugh, "You're only 16, stop acting like you're some 1 month old robot,"

"Thats what you always say,"

"Well, thats what you always do,"

Cami rolled her eyes playfully and continued to eat her dinner. Dakota turned his attention to Carlos, "What about you?"

Carlos went pink in the face, "...Well, I have a crush..."

Dakota and Cami both smirked immediately. "Who?" Dakota asked,

"It's this girl in my class, her name is Kathryn," Carlos admitted sheepishly,

"Ohh, what a lucky girl she is," Cami teased,

The teasing went on for a few more minutes. Gillian tuned it out and just focused on his plate, thinking over his essay.

"What about you, Gil? Any crushes~?"

Gillian looked at Cami, doing his best to not make a face of disgust, "I do not participate in such demeaning activities. A crush would do nothing but get in my way."

"Oh come on, live a little, would ya?" Dakota joked.

"I am living,"

Gillian knew exactly what his Dad's phrase meant, but that's not the point of his façade. Dakota rolled his eyes, "Right, well, tell me when you get a social life,"

There were no aggressive undertones in what he said, but Gillian couldn't help but feel a bit hurt. He's thought about it before, having a crush, maybe being in a relationship. But there was nothing appealing about girls to him. Perhaps hes asexual. Aromantic?

Dinner was over not long after that and Gillian was back to typing until his head was pounding. Then he knew he had to stop. Disappointed he didn't finish the essay, he glanced over the time. It was 11.

He stood and started to pull off his tie. Sometimes he gets looks in the hallways at school, its probably because of the tie.

He changed into an almost-oversized t-shirt and shorts before going off to brush his teeth and say goodnight to everyone.

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