Chapter one

275 13 16

Jughead's POV

The untouched gust of the shadows, circular around the hallmark the room, whizzed substantial urgency knockout my skins; with no poise in its emotions.

My raven-hair was dreadful dilemma inactive on my features, I curse with my breath lifting my upper lip, the motherfucker who constrained me tied to a chair, with no source of food and water for 2 days straight.

My cruel gasp cadaverous with annoyance, drawing my eyebrows into a courageous immoral terrified stare.

The thorough of the door rocking open, cause my teeth to gnash, if not that fist were tie to the chair, I'll have welcome my enemy calmly with my fist on his face. I calm myself down, hoping to have a peaceful chat with the devil; who walked into the room.

He didn't utter a single word to me just stayed motionless, I couldn't get a glance of his face, because it was totally dark inside, imitating creepy in a way with strange voices knocking around, knowing everything around is static except me and the guy standing.

His voice broke out," I'm sorry Jughead. I didn't mean to kidnap you."

I felt relief; when I finally heard his voice of the guy, who kidnapped for 2 days' straight with no food and water. His voice memorized inside my head, with questionable thought. He knew my name, but how?

I couldn't pin my fingers who he was, his voice was so familiar, my head was hurting so badly I needed to know who he was. Why'd, he keeps me here? And, for what reason?

"Who're you?" I asked.

The imminent stride of his shoes, proclaimed itself louder as ever, as I noticed the room light illuminate, my jaw gapped stare at the figure in front of me with his glasses placed in an accurate on his eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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