Chapter 1

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Jimin's POV
        "Jimin ah! Hurry up! We're going to be late for our reservations!" My mother shouts, and I groan, sliding my shoes on. "Coming eomma!" I call, examining my outfit in the mirror, before running downstairs to where my mom is waiting. "Let's go let's go!" She urges and I stumble out the door as she shoves me lightly. "So, why are we going out to eat tonight?" I ask and my mom sighs, turning the radio down. "I told you, we're meeting a group of people. I have a very important announcement," She says and I nod, turning to stare out the window as we drive. We eventually make it to the restaurant and my mother drags me inside. We're quickly seated and we wait in silence for the rest of the group to come. Suddenly, I spot someone who I haven't seen in a very long time appear. "Oppa?" I ask, jumping up and running to him, jumping into his arms. "Oppa I missed you so much!" I squeal and he hugs me tightly. "I missed you too dongsaeng!" He chuckles, kissing the top of my head. "What are you doing here?" I ask and he looks behind me. "Eomma invited us, didn't she tell you?" He asks and I shake my head. "Wait, who's us?" I ask, suddenly aware that he is not alone. "Annyeonghaseyo!" The group of boys behind him bow and I bow back. "Annyeonghaseyo, Jimin imnida," I say and they grin, before individually introducing themselves. 

        "We didn't know Xiumin hyung had a younger sister," One of them, Suho I think, says as we all sit at the table. "Yeah, he talks about a Jimin all the time, but he never said that you were his sister. We thought you were his girlfriend or something," Sehun snickers and I cringe. "Ew, no way! Who would date Minseok oppa?" I smirk, and he rolls his eyes at me. "Chen," He says and the members snicker as Chen chokes on his water. "A-aniyo!" He coughs and I giggle. "See, not even a guy would date you," I snicker and Minseok rolls his eyes, ruffling my hair. "Oh yeah, and what about you baby sister? No guys are rushing after you are they?" He asks and I glare at him, fixing my hair. "Not at the moment, no," I say and he nods. "Good, because I would have to beat them up," He says and I roll my eyes. "Aww, that's so cute! Xiumin hyung is protective!" Luhan coos and Minseok blushes. "Of course I am, she's my baby sister," He says and I awww, hugging him tightly. "Aw oppa! If you're this sweet to a girl then you'll definitely get her! Or guy," I quickly add and they all shoot me weird looks. "Hey, I haven't seen him in two years, things could change. I don't judge," I shrug and they all laugh, except for Minseok who rolls his eyes. "I'm not gay," He mutters and I giggle.

        "Can we order now? I'm starving!" Minseok and I both whine in unison which earns us weird looks from everyone. "What?" We ask and D.O. blinks. "Wow, you really are Xiumin hyung's sister," He says and Kai nods. "Yeah it's freaky how similar they are." "But seriously, can we order?" I ask, turning to my mom and she shakes her head. "Not yet. We're still waiting for two more people," She says, just as someone calls her name. "Sun Hee ssi!" I look up as eomma jumps up and embraces a woman, and then a man. "Eomma? Appa? What are you doing here?" Chanyeol asks, standing up as his parents hug him as well. "You haven't told them yet?" His mother asks mine and she shakes her head. "I was waiting for you," She replies and Mrs. Park turns to us with an excited smile. "Chanyeol and Jimin are going to be married!" She squeals and the world spins, before everything goes black.

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