Chapter 1 - The Perfect Girl

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she was the girl everyone wanted to be. the corridor parted like the red sea when she walk past. she was head cheerleader, popular and beautiful. every thing i wanted, she had, apart from being a cheerleader, i was to be a star. Broadway is kind of my dream. i mean who would want to starve yourself just to go on top of the pyramid. i love to sing dance and act. i've been dancing ever since i was about 3 or 4, so that's about 12 years now. its amazing to see how much i've grow since i was little. i used to be a little annoying hyperactive Muslim girl who always got main parts. But now im not little, not hyperactive i am still a little bit annoying but I'm working on it. I still get main parts. ever since i joined choir or as mum calls it 'Glee Club' i mean mum that's so 2009.

She. Her. The one in the pretty pink dress. this is my first meeting with... well lets call 'Amelia'  Her blond hair in two pigtails hanging down by her ears. Smiling her perfect smile. laughing her cute little laugh. tiny dimples on her cheeks. no wonder every boy was watching her as soon as she walked in to our class.

My father told me a quote when i was little he said 'Remember this won't you Lucie, don't go for the pretty girls, the always have something to hide. The best girl is the one you see out the corner of your eye.'  that's how he met my mother. flickering out the corner of his eye. i turns out beautiful if inside and out.

My mother had  Downs Syndrome and died very young. so my father brought me up by him self, he was ever so brave when she died. at her funeral i held his hand and he held mine. squeezing it slightly this has always comferted me since. when i'm sad my father come's into my room sits on my bed and squizzes my hand, kissed me on the cheek and walks out.

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