Chapter 16

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It was already the next day, you woke up and saw the clock, it was 11am, you really slept late, but you weren't the only one, Taehyung was also sleeping like a baby

You giggled, he was so cute when he's sleeping, but the thought of last night was a whole other level

He woke up and smiled at you

Taehyung: My baby~

You: Morning sleeping head~

Taehyung: Wow is 11am already, we slept a lot

You: We did have a lot of fun last night

Taehyung smirked and pull you closer to him, then he asked you...

Taehyung: Baby, why did try to escape? Weren't we happy?

You stood up and sighed, you didn't know if you wanted to tell him, but you didn't want to lie either

Taehyung: Baby tell me

You: Okay, but please don't get mad...

Taehyung: It all depends on the reason why, baby

You: Okay..... So I was getting worried because you weren't around for a whole week, so I ask Yoongi because I thought he knew where you were..... But....

You could see Taehyung had a serious face, you were really scared to tell him, but you had too no matter what

You: Yoongi said that... You were with another girl probably fucking her because you got tired of me, and that's you used me for pleasure..... That's why you with another girl....

That's why I wanted to escape... Because I thought you were a cheater...

You looked at Taehyung and he looked pissed, he really didn't look happy

You: Taehyung please-

Taehyung: Baby, I'll be back....

He pecked your lips and got up and put his clothes on, he left and you now you felt like you fucked up...

Taehyung's POV

I went upstairs to the living room, and for my luck, there was Yoongi

Taehyung: Hey Yoongi....

Yoongi: Yes?

Taehyung: Why did you lied to Y/N that I was with another girl, when clearly I was working undercover to make sure no fucking police was near us!!!

Yoongi: She had to know, and don't lie to yourself, I know you were with another girl

Taehyung: No I wasn't, when I'm undercover I don't go around hitting up girls!! Unlike you!!

Yoongi: Shut the fuck up already!! You know she isn't good for you!!! She has a fiance!! She is going to get married!!! You really want a girl like that!!

I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him close to my face, I was so angry, now it wasn't anger, it was rage

Taehyung: Listen here Yoongi!! I loved her for a long time, she made a mistake not saying yes to me, but now that I have her, I won't let anyone take her away from me, not even you, she is mine forever, so stop with your bullshit!! Because of you I hurt her!!

I pushed him and he didn't look happy

Taehyung: Focus on your girl, focus on your life, not on mine, you will never be happy if you focus on other people lives and not your own

I walked away and went back to my room

Jungkook's POV

Jin: We have a location where they can be

Jungkook: Really? When can start?

Jin: Tonight.... We'll catch them by surprise and you and the mother are coming with, for Y/N's sake

Jungkook: Alright... Thanks, by the way.... How did you track them

Jin: Someone witness one of the members, Yoongi, so the called in and gave us the location

Jungkook: Ah okay, well I'll go and tell the mother

Jin: Come back soon to discuss the plan

Jungkook: Yes, once again, thank you detective

To be continued...

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