Jace Stark

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A/N Next character! This chapter is dedicated to @JadeDarkwolf for submitting your amazing character! MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS AND GUESS WHAT?!!! I GOT A LAPTOP (well its a family laptop but sill) SO NOW I DONT JUT HAVE TO WRITE ON MY PHONE! So im just getting used to this so might be some mistakes.

Ok, on with the story.


Jace's POV

"P-Please stop," I stuttered my voice only a whisper. I had a cut in my forehead...bleeding badly. Great now I have blood in my black hair.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT!!" My foster parents voices rang out through the entire house, making me wince.

I knew I shouldnt of listened...that I should just use my wings to escape again but I just couldn't. I felt like that would be betraying the only family I had.

"Jace, wake up!"

I flinched out the loud sound. I do that a lot, flinch. I say its just a habt and people usually leave it there but some people continue to question me. But what am I suppose to say? Oh yeah it's just a habit i get from getting repeatedly beaten up by my adoptive parents.

I shouldnt be saying that. They just get a little angry at me, that's all. I hope they are ok, maybe I should visit and see if-

"Jace?" The loud voice said again. I lookd up to see Nico Di'Angelo staring at me worridly.

"What do you want?" I asked, acting tough, as if I hadn't just had another nightmare that made me feel like a freak.

"You were screaming in your sleep again." Nico answered as concerned as a brother. Most people thought we were siblings anyway. We aren't but we are pretty close. In fact the only thing that really set us apart was that he doesn't have wings.

Oh didn't I tell you? I have pure black wings sprouting out of my back. I get them from my father, Thanantos. They would be cool if people didn't call me a freak of nature behind my back.

Like hello you are a freakin demigod! I think that kind of counts as freakish! I mean it's not like I have two hearts or something like that! Jason can fly and he doesnt even have wings!!!

At least that's what I usually say to them...

"Jace, you keep zoning out on me." Nico broke my thoughts.

"Im fine Nico, it was just a bad dream..." I trailed off, hoping he wouldnt push me.

"What type of bad dream?" He asked, curious as to what made me scream my head off. I knew I would have to lie. I hate lying to Nico.

"Well I was being chased...by a wolf...it was a bad wolf-" But I was cut off when I heard what I knew to be stumbleing away frantically near my window. Nico ws about to get up and see who was listening to us but I stopped him.

"I'll check it out Goth Man..." I said, "You go find Doctor Loverboy." I teased slightly. Everyone knew that Will and Nico where dating and let me just say they are so cute together!

Back to whoever was eavesdropping near my window.

I walked out of my cabin just in time to see two figures, what looked to be a boy and a girl, runningg into the woods. Good thing I can shadow travel. I traveled so that I was hiding near where they stopped.

"Why did you freak out back there?" The girl asked the guy who looked like he was pale under his cloak.

"Something Jace said...bad wolf...there's something familiar about those two words." The man said, "I just cant tell where I've heard it from..."

The two people where quite. Who were they and what did they want with me?

"You don't have to be so shy Jace." The man said to my surprise, "I know youre hiding behind that tree."

I knew I didn't really have a choice so I came out into the open.

The first thing I noticed was their glowing red eyes. (A/N Percy's glows from under his cloak)

"What?" They said in perfect sync.

"Your eyes are creepy." I blurted out. Well they are! I mean they radiate pure fear and I was surprised I could even speak.

"Oh right, I always forget about them." The guy said.

"How do you get rid of them again?" The girl questioned. He whispered in her ear and slowly both their eyes faded to their original color.

"Right..." I said to the two mysterious people.

"Oh we forgot to introduce ourselves! This is Bresais Fairspring," The man said, "And I'm Perseus Jackson."

"Wait, you mean the Perseus Jackson?" I stuttered not believing my eyes.

"Yes I suppose..." He said rather bitterly.

"But you...you died!" My voice came out squeaky, "You died months ago!"

"Correction..." Percy smirked, "I ran away."

I know what running away looks like and I know that never happened. I mean we SAW him die.

What happened to him was not running away.

"Ok then..." I said, deciding not to fight him, "So what do you and Bresais want from me?"

"We want to help." Bresais said.

"Help? I don't need help." But even as I said it I knew I was lying.

"Yes you do." Percy said, as he slid his hood off, a friendly smile on his lips.

"Jace, you may not believe us but..." Bresais seemed to be trying to find the words to say.

"You are one of us." Percy said, "I know you don't believe me. I don't know why you would. But you are just like us, you are forgotten."

"N-No that's not right," I stuttered, "I'm not forgotten. I have friends! Well... a friend. But Nico is great! We're like brother and sisters."

I thought about Nico now, how he had seemed so concerned about me.

"I'm sorry Jace...I'm so, so sorry." Percy muttered.

"Wait, you didn't tell me about this Nico?" Bresais said questionably.

Percy ignored her though. He was staring at me.

"Jace Stark, daughter of Thanatos, born on the 23rd of June, also known as the girl with the dark wings." Percy looked me straight in the eyes, "I know so much more about you then you think."

He touched the sleeves of my hoodie, causing me to flinch.

"I know so much about you and even though you don't believe me now...you'll come to see my side of the equation." He said mysteriously.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"I mean by tomorrow night you will see exactly why I said that you're like us." Percy said with the slightest bit of sadness, "And because of that I am so...so sorry."

My heart pounded.

"Goodbye for now Jace Stark. This will not be the last time we meet." Percy looked over to his companion.

And with that the two left me there in the woods, wondering what could possibly happen tomorrow.

I believe that's good for today.

So what do you think will happen "tomorrow?" Comment. The closest one to the answer wins a dedication when I write that chapter.

But until then you need to meet Jesse Mercer.

Goodbye Moonys.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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