Chapters 21-40

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Disclaimer: I'm translating this novel for fun. I can't promise 100% accuracy, but I'm doing my best to try to make this coherent. Leave a comment if there's anything confusing and I'll try to fix it. If you enjoy the translation and want to support me, tip me a Kofi at


Chapter 21 The Wedding

Li Xiao was Song Song's golden supporter. Staying with Li Xiao, he could obtain everything he missed in his previous life. This was the main reason why Song Song agreed to leave with Li Xiao that night.

But he never thought Li Xiao could say that kind of thing to him. No matter how he thought about it, it didn't seem real. Song Song knew that he was the medicine to cure Li Xiao's illness. Although he didn't know the reason, this really happened, there was no way he could deny it.

However... what Li Xiao just said, he really didn't know how to respond.

He tried to compose the words in his head for a moment, only then did he say somewhat emotionally: "Thank you, your highness."

Li Xiao paused, his pitch black eyes squinted together slightly. He let go of Song Song's hand. The latter instantly withdrew his hand, fingers curling around where Li Xiao kissed. He looked into the other's pitch black eyes, smiled again and said: "I also like your highness."

He wasn't very used to this atmosphere. Palm stroking over his stomach, he took a deep breath, and was just about to speak when he heard Li Xiao say: "Today, Song Guogong probably went into the palace to request for an edict."

"An edict?"

"To restrict this king from entering the Song estate before the wedding according to customs." His tone was indifferent, but Song Song's heart squeezed. All these years Li Xiao lived like this, everyone who saw him was scared of him. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Li Xiao continued: "However, in exchange, my father will tell him my conditions."

Song Song didn't know what he was talking about, until Li Xiao sent him back to the Song estate, did he realize what the other did.

Madam Song was making an unreasonable scene: "The matron of this family is me! That Fu Xiang is only a merchant's daughter. How can she be mentioned on equal terms as me? I won't believe that the emperor wants you to raise her status from a concubine to a main wife. I won't allow her to enter the ancestral hall! I won't allow it!!"

Song Guogong already saw Song Song enter. He opened the imperial edict in his hand, and said to Song Song with a frown: "The emperor already passed a decree. Your mother's memorial tablet will be placed in the ancestral hall. Tomorrow, I will invite the clan chief to add her name into the family records. From now on, you're the son of a main wife... The mad king won't be coming to live here in the future right?"

Song Guogong's name was Song Hong. When he was young, he was known far and near as a pretty boy, or else madam Song wouldn't have rushed to be married to him. But it was also because of this that caused Fu Xiang's sad story. She clearly married over as main wife, but her position was stolen by another with power.

(Note: Didn't mention before but Guogong is the title of a government position, not his name. I'm trying to keep everyone's name consistent so you won't get all confused. )

Song Song looked at his own father, saw his face full of unwillingness, then saw madam Song's expression of hatred, suddenly couldn't resist laughing: "I see."

He turned to go, but Song Guogong was extremely uncomfortable: "You don't have anything you want to say?"

"Say what? Thank you?" Song Song looked to the side, between his brows carried some deliberate arrogance: "I'm about to marry Ping wang. From now on, whatever I obtain, you can ride on a little of the glory. If you quietly rely on me, you'll naturally receive plenty of benefits."

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