Week 2 - Day 2: Awkward Conversation

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((Riku's Point of View))

"Hey R-Riku! Where are y-you going?" Kai was sitting on the couch with shorts and a pale blue t-shirt. It was the day after school and I wanted to see my dads.

"Oh, I wanted to visit my dads! They're probably at the flower field or their classroom!"

"Your dads a-are Dabi and Ha-Hawks right?"

"Yep! Wanna meet them?"

Kai thought about it for a moment and nodded. I waited at the door as he came back with a light blue cat hoodie and black sneakers.


"Hop on!" I pulled out one of my feathers, made it grow until it was skateboard size and stood on it. My feathers are a surprisingly good hover board. I can direct where it goes with my mind so it's actually better than a skate board. I can go as high as I want.

Kai stepped on it cautiously and gripped onto my arm.


"Hold on Kai!" I sped away from the dorms on my feather board. Kai held on to my shoulder as we rocketed up into the sky and zoomed through the air. I scanned the ground until I saw the flower field. I looked closer and my wings sensed two people in the fields. I could see two people. My parents. Kai must've seen them too. 

"Th-There!" He pointed.

"You have good eyesight Kai!"

He knew who they were and could probably sense them better than I could. He's got talent. We dived straight at the field. Kai yelped.

"RIIIIKU!" He grabbed onto my arm for dear life. At the last moment, I pulled up and we toppled to the ground, right in front of my parents. They were asleep. Kai shakily got off me and went over to Dabi. I usually don't call them Dad or Pops. They prefer to be called Dabi and Hawks.

Kai stood over Dabi and nudged him softly with his foot. Dabi didn't move. Kai kneeled down and nudged him again. He turned to me.

"Th-They're not dead ri-right?"

"Nah. Dabs is just a heavy sleeper. You have to nudge him aggressively."

"...Isn't t-that a kick?"


Kai continued softly trying to shake Dabi awake. I went over to Hawks and tugged his wings. He shot up, fast.

"Who the crispy fried chicken-" He blinked and finally saw me. "Oh, it's Riku"

"Uh, yeah! Who else?"

"Uh- Shigaraki?"

"Shigaraki? Who-"


Hawks shot up and I turned. Dabi was clearly still half asleep but he had pinned Kai down in one swift movement. He does that when I try to wake him up. You have to be fast to dodge him. I should've warned Kai. 

"...Shigaraki?" Dabi stared at the pale-blue hair of Kai

Kai fought in his grasp. I ran over and smacked my dad's hands so he let go of Kai. I helped the shaking boy up.

"Sorry 'bout that. Dad has reflexes when he feels attacked. I should've warned you. Are you okay?"

"Ye-Yeah! Your dad i-is cool! An-And fast!" He smiled softly. I ruffled his hair and turned to my dads, who were just actually waking up. They can move fast even though they're not fully awake. Once they are fully awake, you're doomed.

"Who is that?" Hawks leaned on Dabi and gestured us over. We sat in front of them.

"This is Kai!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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