Nagisa pov
I was in the car of Mr. Karasuma. we didn't really speak he just told me that the ride would he around ten minutes. and that he lives with some 'friends'. I just sat in the backseat looking out the window. even though Mr. Karasuma was here I felt alone. I wanted to be with Karma. he somehow had mad me feel safe.
Soon we get to Karasuma's house.
"we're here come on Nagisa lets get you situated." Karasuma said opening the passenger seat for me to get out. we went inside and a proper looking man was sitting on the couch watching the news. he glanced up when Karasuma announced our presence.
"I'm home a bit later than normal since I'll be looking after one of my students for the time being. no questions." he cleared that up fast I thought. the man smiled and got from the couch. he walked over to me and Karasuma.
"so whats her name?" he asked the man. I frowned when he said 'her'. thankfully Karasuma was already scolding the man.
"Nagisa Shiota is a boy now if you'll excuse us we need to get this BOY some food." I froze at the word food.
"B-but Mr. Karasuma I'm not.." I was cut off by a glare from Karasuma. he practically had to drag me to the kitchen. holding my arms to keep me from leaving. he grabbed a cracker box laying it on the counter. he got a kitchen knife and took out a few crackers smashing them into crumbled pieces of cracker. I was confused until he poured the broken crackers into a bowl and handed it to me.
"eat." I stare at the mashed up crackers. I didn't want to eat them. I thought. the thing was that I knew if I tried to run away from this Karasuma was one, faster and could catch up to me like it was nothing and two, he wasn't gonna leave me alone until I ate something.
staring at the food I glare at it until I forced my fingers to pick up a tiny tiny crumble of the cracker. I slowly place it into my mouth and due to me not eating very much at all. my mouth had forgotten what it was like. therefor I coughed.
"we will try again tomorrow at school. Nagisa follow me I'm showing you to your room." Karasuma said taking the bowl and setting it on the counter for the dreaded later. I follow Karasuma upstairs and he shows me to a guest room. it was really clean and neat. I thank him for letting me stay with him but stay far away from the bed.
"is there something wrong with the bed Nagisa?" asked karasuma from the doorway. I turn my head and slightly nod. I had never slept in a boy looking bed before. were the sheets different from the lacy one that some girls had? was the pillow different then a girls?
"I-I've never slept in a boys bed is it different?" I whispered out. looking at the black bed cover. it looked so nice but at the same time so intimidating.
"No it's not that different just most of the time a little bit bigger and a different color. goodnight." karasuma said and just like that I was alone, still staring at the new bed and disgusted at the little crumbs I had eaten.

Karma x Nagisa
FanfictionI don't own any of the characters. Nagisa has been beat by his mother for not being the perfect little girl that she wanted. Karma finally notices the strange behavior of the blue haired boy and soon discovers that the mothers harsh damages has com...