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Like every morning, I do a footing around my neighborhood. What better way to get in good shape and start the day on the right foot? I love to run early every morning I found that it wakes me up. I love the wind against my face, in my hair, against my skin. I love the feeling that running brings me, the feeling of liberty, freedom, that nothing can happen to me. As if when I run I am invincible, untouchable.

After about ten minutes of running I am finally going home, my slightly jerky breathing, heavy and sweaty. I am heading straight to my kitchen and take a bottle of water that I drink all at once. I throw the bottle in the trash can and go upstairs to go in my bedroom. I take a suit from my dressing room with an underwear and I am heading for my bathroom to take a well-deserved shower that will rid me of all that accumulated sweat caused by running. Once my shower is over, I put on my suit and I style my hair with a little bit of gel. I go back in my bedroom in order to put my shoes before going back inside the bathroom to put on some perfume to complete my appearance and finally going out of my bathroom. I pick up my briefcase in my room before going to my kitchen to pick up my bag with a lunch ready inside and finally going out of my house without forgetting to lock it with my key behind me. I walk towards my car before going in, to put my things on the passenger seat and to start the engine to go towards my enterprise, my building where I work every week days.

When I arrive in front of it, I park my car, turn off the engine, retrieve my belongings and get out of the car before locking it. I'm on my way to the company entrance so I can finally get in. I give a polite hello from the head to the secretary present before I go in the elevator and press the button with my floor number on it. The doors were about to close when I heard hasty steps and a voice demanding to hold the doors. So I put my hand between the two doors preventing them from closing to allow the man who requested to enter the elevator. He told me a quick thank you by being a little out of breath before looking at the time on his watch and blowing with relief. I smirk when I see this, he probably thought he was going to be late, which is not a big deal really.  I never laid off employees because of a delay. Obviously if it is repeated then I make an appointement with the person to understand why and find a solution. And if it is too long delay I prefer to be warned of course, it is always better to do that but I would not dismiss, fired, the person however, especially if he or she does a good job.

Once on his floor, the man comes out of the elevator and walks to his office while the doors close once again and the elevator resumes its journey to the top floor, where my office is. When I get there, I finally go out of the elevator and head for my office m, giving a polite hello to the employees I meet on my way. I am not a mean boss. My office almost reached, I see my secretary rising from her chair looking at me and calling me afterwards. "Good morning, Mr. McCann. You have an appointment in 10 minutes with Mr. Blanchard to review certain points of the contract. Then around 11 o'clock, Mrs Laval will arrive for her appointment that you planned last week to see if she fits your criteria. Your last appointment is at 1 o'clock with Mr. Wallas."

"Okay. Thank you very much Miss Lopez. Let me know when they arrive." Once I had my schedule in mind and after thanking my secretary, I went back to my office and then head to my desk to put my things on and sit in my chair while I sighed. A long day that begins, hoping that everything goes well and as planned. After this thought, I get the necessary documents in my briefcase before putting it on the ground, turn on my computer and start working.

Time lapse

I am at my desk putting my stuff away and putting my jacket on when I hear knocking on my door. I raise my head towards this one and tell the person to come in. The door opens and in come the person that was behind it. "Dylan ? What is it ? A problem ?"

"Um, actually, a little one yeah. I was supposed to pick up my niece today but my car is being repaired, I had a problem this morning, anyway, so now I have to go to the garage, could you pick her up for me ? And you bring her back to the garage if that's okay with you."

"Yeah of course no problem, just warned her that it's not you that will be here. What's her name ?"

"Thank you so much. Her name is Melissa and this is the usual garage where we go all the time. Well I have to go thanks again."

He barely finished his sentence, he's already gone. I shake my head, grab my briefcase, get out of my office, say goodbye to my secretary and go to the elevator before I go inside and wait before I go down to the first floor. I say goodbye to the receptionist and leave the company before I head for my car, put my stuff in the passenger seat, put on my seat belt and start the engine. I then drive to Dylan's niece's high school before parking in front of waiting.

Dylan Brooks, has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. It's simple, we met and we never left each other again. We've done all the mischief in the world together, we messed around a lot. We covered each other for everything and everything. We defended each other when one was bothered, made fun of. Basically, we're like two brothers, that would be best if we were not together in class, it was horrible for the teachers. So many good memories. Then we grew up, went to college, graduated, and I took over a business my dad could not run. The bonus is that I needed a right-hand man so obviously I directly thought of Dylan to fulfill this role to perfection. And here we are today at the head of one of the largest and powerful corporations in America, if not the world. Besides, he is the one who represents the company in the meetings with the press and the interviews since I do not want me to have to do this and is better not for the safety of all.

I hear the high school bell, I take my stuff and put it in the back seat of the care before I get out of it and lean against my door while I wait. Dylan told me that he warned his niece, he told her what I look like and what car I have and he sent me a picture of her just in case. I turn my eyes towards the entrance of the high school and watch all the students go out looking for the head of Melissa, saying like that it is weird, that I have in memory thanks to the photo of Dylan. After I would say good 5 minutes, I finally see her accompanied by another little brunette girl and a tall blond guy. The three of them are heading out of high school, so they are walking slowly in my direction. I see Melissa raising her head and looking all over the parking lot, probably looking for me, when her eyes fell on me I give her a sign to come. I see her turning to her friends and talking before coming to me always with them.

"It's Jason, isn't it ?" She asks me once at a few steps from me.

"It's me yes." I answer her smiling lightly. "We should go, your uncle's waiting."

I watch her say goodbye to her friends before she gets in the car. After giving a goodbye with my head to her friends, I go in myself and buckle my seat belt before looking at Melissa to make sure she put on her belt too. Once sure that is the case I start my car and start driving towards the garage where Dylan has to wait for us. After about 20 minutes, I arrive at the garage and park in front of it seeing Dylan waiting not far from the entrance. Seeing us, he is heading towards us. Noticing us, he heads towards us. In the meantime Melissa has unbuckle herself and says a little thank you to me before going out of the car. When I turn my head I see Dylan near the car so I go open my window so I can talk to him.

"Thanks for picking her up for me, it really did me a big favor."

"No problem don't worry really when you want, when you need me call me and I'll help you, you know that."

"Yeah yeah I know, thanks again. I see you tomorrow at work bud."

After a last goodbye I restart my car and begin to go in the direction of my house looking forward to finally being able to go home and rest quietly. Another day like an other one that ends without problems as planned. It feels nice sometimes a little routine like that. But I don't say anything, break the routine is very invigorating, it brings adrenaline back into our flat, miserable lives. Miserable, figure of speech obviously, but rather our monotonous lives. A little of routine, of normality, it does not hurt anyone. And especially not me. It's relaxing, refreshing. It feels good. Especially when you know it probably won't last very long. The regression to the mean, that's bullshit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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