1 - What it takes to survive

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WARNING: I, the author, am not a natural english speaker. You may find mistakes along the way.


Narnia. Bridge to Terabithia. Cat returns. Dungeons & Dragons. Books, movies, animations, TV series and, of course, 90% of the mangas in existence have someone transported to a fantastic dimention for some reason or another. They live fantastic adventures and return to their homes a whole different person or choose to live a happy life in their new world.

Well, it is all fun and games until this shit happens to you.

This was the exact thought Rosalie had in mind when she realized she most certainly not in her home town anymore. Her head was hurting like hell and her body was heavy and cold. The woman dragged herself out of the water where she waked up to a tree, where she just closed her eyes and tried to recall how this all happened.

Rosalie had rised early in the morning to go hunting with her father. The old man didn't let the fact that his only offspring was a girl, sharing all his hobbies with her.

"Who cares for what others think is masculine or feminine? If I want to go fucking hunting with my daughter, I will!" He said just once to one of her uncles, and the topic was never discussed again.

They left the city and traveled tree hours to the forest. It took two more hours by foot to reach the legal hunting grounds. They talked the whole way there, catching up with all they missed while Rosalie was in college.

'When thing go wrong?' Rosalie frowned, receiving a new sharp wave of pain as result. She remembered hearing her father scream while she was aiming for a deer. She looked back... There were a wild boar...

"I well from the cliff into the water." Rosalie finally realized, opening her eyes once more. It explained how she hurt her head and why she waked up dripping wet, half body still inside the lake.

What it did not explained is why the place around her was so unfamiliar. If she felt in the river, Rosalie should have been dragged by the water to the country side after the forest. However, the thich tropical forest around her was like anything around her town or even her country! All kinds of trees, bushs with giant leafs and flowers she never saw before closed around her tired body like a natural cage.

"And I don't even have my fucking bow!" The redhead crowled, carefully touching the source of her pain with her fingertips. A big spot in her scalp was swollen and it stained her fingertips with old blood.

'At least the bleeding stopped.' The young woman sighed and tapped her chest for her vest, where she stocked all small survival itens that anyone should take to a trip to the forest. She had a small roll of bandages and disinfectant to clean small wounds. However, her hand landed straight in her shirt, over her chest.

"Where did it go?!"

Rosalie looked around, desperated. She been as girl scoult as par as she could remember, thats why she was always prepared! Her rations, knife, medicaments- Everything was gone!

"How could I lose it?! It couldn't had just falled off my body! It makes no sense!"

Cold, suffocating panic started to overcome Rosalia senses. She brought her legs close to her chest and lowered her head between her knees, trying to breath. It took her a long moment to push the fear down so her mind could think rationally.

'I need fire. Yes. Warm up before I get hypothermia. If I make it next to the river, where there is less trees, the helicopters may see the smoke when the search parties start. It might keep any dangerous animals away too.' Ignoring her previous conclusion that she was anywhere but close to her home, Rosalia struggled to get up.

It took her a long time to gather dry sticks and leafs, but she managed to get a decent amount to get started. When she finally get it burning, the night had already arrived.

Rosalia curled over near the fire and closed her eyes, ignoring her roaring stomac. She found several fruits and roots in her search, but none like she ever seen before. The woman knew better than eat something unknow and die from poisoning.

'Father saw me falling. He had a phone. Soon they will be here to rescue me. I just have to wait.' She thought to herself, trying to easy her guts that kept telling her that something was terribly wrong. Rosalie closer her eyes and before she knew, she was sleeping.

Her dreams where filled with shadows, like animals hunting her in the middle of a dark, dead forest. She kept looking for weapons, but all she could do was run and hide. However, she was found. Rosalie could feel the hot breath of her demons in her neck. The sensation was so real that the reahead jumped awaked.

The sun had barely rised, the fire was almost dead and a big pair of golden eyes stared back at her.

Rosalie screamed.


I know it is bad, but I hope is not that bad. See you in the next chapter.

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