Bengal Tiger

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One could thing as woman, or completly strangers found in the middle of the forest, very suspicious and doubt their words. Well, apparently, this did not applyed to a half animal, naked man. He rose his hand, as to stroke her cheek, with a very soft and worried expression in his handsome face.

"Poor thing. You must had hit your head pretty hard. I can see dry blood." He seen to chew his words for a second. "I know you are scared of carnivores, buy you must follow me to my village. You wont be safe here on your own, neither will you be able to find your way back in this state. I-" He swollowed dry, like someone that was fed something butter. "I am not a capable male, but its the duty of every village to protect stray females. You will be safe there."

Rosalie regained more and more of her wits as the comversation followed trought. She cautiously weighed his words, expression and gestures. He seen genuinely concerned and harmless. However, at the end of the day, she didn't actually had a choice if she wanted to survive. She slowly nodded in agreement.

"Ok... I will follow you." He sighed and smiled, reliefed.

"I am honored for your trust female." He let his body fall foward and again it shifted before her bare eyes. Before long, the large orange and black tiger was back. As if she hadnt enough surprises for the day, it oppened its mouth and talked to her. "You may mount on me female. I'm afraid you may faint in your way."

"Won't I... Be heavy?" She asked, hesitant in just hop in this mad ride. He actually laughted at her. The sound as deep and warm, like a purr.

"A elderly could easily carry a female as tiny and skinny such as yourself. Fear not. Our village is strong and we have enough to feed you to fill your bones in no time."

Rosalie as sorta offended that he talked to her like she was such a pityful thing. She was not tiny at all, being 1.75 meters* tall, and she suposed she had a health weight?

'To hell with it!' The redhead tought and atempted to climb the big animal. His fur was thich and very warm. She hugged him with her arms and legs the best she could to not fall off.

"We will be off them. Tell me if you need to stop and rest." With this much as a warn, the tiger set off running.

It took them a long time to reach their destination. The tiger man was very mindful and stopped every now and them to let her rest everytime he felt her hold grow weaker. All the moviment didn't helped with her headache either, buy she endured it the best she could. He promissed her food at the village. She suposed they had some sort of cover, even if it was only a cave. Rosalia just wanted to eat her fill, sleep in a warm place and get rid this damn headache for now. Everything else of this mad situation needed to come in second.

Once they arrived, Rosalia discovered that the village was actually that, a village with wooden houses, a well and people walking around. All of them seem to be wearing leather or fur clothing and had the ears and tails like the tiger with her. Most of the passer bys where man and she found barely a handful of woman looking.

They caused a commotion. Everyone oppenly stared, shoked, and asked thenselfs out loud of what was going on.

"He found a female?"

"She is hurt!"

"She is so skinny!"

"He rescued her from a feral?"

"Her skin is so smooth tho. For sure she was well cared before!"

"Her hair is so beautiful! I never saw this colour in the tiger tribe!"

"Maybe she is from a bird tribe?"

Rosalie was barely able to catch pieces of conversation here and there before the tiger carring her stopped in front of a house and an elder man stepped out. He was bend foward by the weight of the years, but had a fiercy look. Rosalie found his eyes much scarier than many of the tiger man around them.

"Tora, what is the meaning of this?" The older man asked sriously. His voice was low, but was sharp as a bite.

"I found this injuried female on the forest elder. It is the duty of all males to protect the females, so I ask you to take her under our village protection until we return her to her kind." Instead of immediatly agree, the elder looked up to Rosalie, startling her.

"Is it true child?" She hold on her tiger fur a bit tigher and nodded.

"Yes s- elder." She quickly corrected herself, finding more fitting to use the same terms and titles as the people around her.

"Very well. Tora, take her to your den and treat her wounds. I will have a male take you extra food. Everyone else, scram!"

"Yes elder." Without any more words, Tore turned around and walked away from the people without being followed.

Tora's house was in the outscourts of the village. He lowered his body for her to get down and turned into a man once more, allowing her inside.
The house was buy one big room woth a fire pit at the middle. Utensils and herbs hanged on the wall and a big pile of fur over strals seen to be a bed. Tora made her sit down in the late, covering her with some some more fur.

"Wait and rest female. I will get you some food and medicine in no time."

Rosalie layed down obediently, since she wqs dead tired anyway, and watched him work. He put a striped fur around his waist and was now working on set a stew to cook on the fire pit.

She had to admit it: Tora, if she het his name right, was mad handsome. He was build tall and large, with his orange air falling a bit long around his yellow eyes. Even if he did appeared a bit thin as a tiger, in his human form she could see clearly all of his very defined muscles. Rosalia observed he working them out, grinding herbs into a stone pestle, and at some point started to dose off. She wanted to eat really bad, but her body and mind went trought too much, leaving her with not choice but fall asleep.

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