Chapter 15 ~Cars and missing people

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**Tasha's P.O.V**

    Today was the day that Talia and I start school. It was 6:30AM and I had to start getting ready. Talia stayed the night last night. I went to the guest room and woke her up. I was so tired. I got dressed, did my hair, brushed my teeth, and all the extra stuff. When Talia and I were both done we began to watch TV. Niall was going to drive us to school but he wasn't up yet. I was thinking about waking him up.

"Talia, should I wake Niall up?"

"Yeah. Pour cold water on him!" She was serious.

"No. I'll still wake him up though."

    I ran up the stairs to mine and Niall's room. I quietly went in and laid down next to him. He still didn't wake up. Sometimes he was a heavy sleeper. I started to play with his hair.

"I'm awake ya know?" His eyes were still closed.

"I guess I do now. Get ready. You gotta take Tal and I to school."

    I gave him ten minutes to get ready. He came down stairs and we all walked out the door to his car. It didn't take us long to get to the school. I gave him a quick kiss and got out of the car. This is going to be an adventure.

**Talia's P.O.V**

    Tasha and I walked into our first class. Science. The teacher was tall and didn't have much hair. He had a happy expression on his face. We all introduced ourselves. Tasha and I were the only new students. Everyone was fascinated by us. The teacher told us a lot about him. His name was Mr.Foot and he had a really nice car. He was friends with the English teacher Mr.Strickler. A whole hour passed and then we had English. Tasha got out of the room before I did. I rushed to English. When I walked in I seen a teacher with a full head of hair. He didn't look to old. I'm guessing he was Mr.Strickler.

"You must be Talia!" He said.


    I quickly found my seat beside Tasha. She was already reading her book.

"Okay, lets introduce our selves class!" Mr.Strickler said.

    Everyone else in the classroom went first. When it was our turn Mr.Strickler said that we were new to this school. It seemed like we were the only new people in the whole school. It couldn't be like that, could it? I don't know. We both said our names and one thing about us. Next it was Mr.Strickler's turn.

"I'm Mr.Strickler. I would kill people just to have Mr.Foot's car. I have a beautiful wife but I don't have any kids." He quickly said.

    The rest of the class in here was the best so far. Tasha and Mr.Strickler became really close friends. We learned a lot more about him. He made us all start reading a book as a class. Tasha didn't like the book and neither did I. I really wanted to get home and see the boys. I think Niall was picking us up but I would have to ask Tasha.

**Louis's P.O.V**

    I broke up with Eleanor and told Tasha that I liked her. I messed up. I think I still like Tasha. Do I still like Eleanor? I'm so stupid. I can't deal with this. I went into the bathroom with a pencil and paper. I decided that I would have to do something to get over my pain. Even if that meant running away from it all. I wrote a note and left it on the counter. The window was kinda hard to open but I managed. I climbed out and didn't look back.

**Zayn's P.O.V**

    Louis was taking so long in the bathroom. I knocked and no answer. I knocked again. No answer. This time I just walked in. The window was open and there was a note on the counter. I went over and picked it up. It read:

"Dear whoever,

    This may not seem like the best time to do this but I can't take it anymore. I have to leave all my troubles behind. I hope you can do the concerts without me. Maybe one day I'll come back. Tell Eleanor I said bye. I love all of you guys.  ~Louis"


"What's wrong zayn?" He said as I showed him the note.

"We gotta go get the others. We need to look for him."

    **Liam's P.O.V**

    We picked up Niall and were on our way to the school to get Tasha and Talia. Niall was on the verge of crying. Zayn was trying to comfort him with food. The parking lot was pretty empty and it was easy to park. I quickly ran into the school and signed both the girls out. We all walked out of the building and got in the car. Tasha sat beside Niall. Niall told them what happened. Oh gosh we forgot Harry.

"We forgot to get Harry."

"We gotta go get him. Then we need to tell Simon." Tasha blurted out.

    I could tell she didn't like seeing Niall this way. I quickly drove off towards Harry's house. When we arrived there, he looked happy. After Talia told him what had happened he was crying like a little baby. Louis and Harry were best friends. We all got into the car again and drove to Simon's house. The security looked so mean. I pulled up to talk to one of them.

"We're here to see Simon Cowel."

"You may enter." Just as he said that the gate opened up.

    I drove up the long driveway and quickly hopped out of the car. All of us were running up the driveway. Tasha tripped and landed on her butt. Niall helped her up but the rest of us kept going. Zayn knocked on Simon's door and waited. Soon he opened it up and welcomed us all in. I had to explain the whole thing.

"We need to call the cops." Simon quickly said.

    He picked up his phone and dialed the number. He talked on the phone for about twenty-five minutes.

Simon began to talk again. "There's nothing more we can do but wait."

    We all got back into the car and went home. It was getting late anyways. Everone would stay at mine, Zayn's and Louis's place. It wasn't long before we all fell asleep.

**Tasha's P.O.V** (The next day at school)

    I walked into Mr.Foot's classroom and the principal was at the front of the room. Kids were whispering different things. One kid said mine and Talia's name. The Principal lined us up and filed us out the door. We had to go to the forum to hear an announcement. Where was Mr.Foot?

"If you haven't heard, Mr.Foot went missing. This morning the police found his car parked by a lake. Inside was a note telling his students that they will be missed and to give the car to Mr.Strickler." The principal sounded like she was getting a cold.

    She walked out of the room and everyone began to whisper again. Mrs.Mac gave another announcement. There's would be no school for to days due to not having a teacher on such a short notice. The students erupted with excitement. We all filed out to our lockers and got our stuff. The buses were already out side the school so I called Niall.

"Hello?" He had just woken up.

"Hey. We got out of school early. I'll tell you later. Can you come pick us up?"

"Be there in a little." The call then ended.

    We waited for about ten minutes and then he pulled up. We filed into the car and took Talia home. When we got home, I told Niall what happened. He was shocked. The rest of the night we watched a movie.


I'm so so so so sorry it's so short. I didn't have time to make it longer. I'm so sorry. I can't type until Friday. Bye!


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