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Hey guys!!!! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and I wish you all a Happy New Year in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so this chapter is late. (Surprising, right? LOL!) I found this one a bit of a challenge only because it's written in Jason's POV. And that's something I've never done before. I've never written in different POV's in the same book, let alone a guy's so it took some time because I wanted it to be realistic and I wanted to give you all a taste of what's going on in Jason's mind. It overlaps a little with the last chapter so just a heads up. Thanks for all the amazing support! You all totally rock!!!!!!!!!! See you at the end!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! :D


I gazed at her. Stared right into those warm, brown orbs. She carried herself with all the grace of a prima ballerina and radiated raw confidence. It was attractive to say the least. Her deep, brown eyes contrasted her creamy complexion. And her body. Damn, that body was beautiful. Her slender frame was outlined easily in the clothes she wore. Despite the fact her clothes were tight, they weren't suffocating and neither did they reveal that much skin. I had trouble labelling her. She could have been the snobby, cheerleader type. She definitely had the confidence and body to be one. But when I looked into those eyes and scanned her features I knew she wasn't a cheerleader. Her eyes were filled with intelligence and her features as sharp as a hawk. She was smart and quick. Two words that cheerleaders didn't know the definition of.

She was perfect.

And she would be mine.

Her wandering eyes seemed to have found something entertaining because the faintest trace of a smile graced her perfect lips. I wonder what she would look like when she laughed.

As she walked down the steps her brown eyes found mine once again. The movement was so fluid that had I not been watching, I would have missed it. The corners of her mouth twitched upwards into a full smile. A smile that lit up her features and for one breathtaking second I was totally awestruck by her beauty. Then as quickly as it came she composed it. I quickly went back to my phone.

She was coming this way. She would walk past me. The thought had a wave of hunger wash through me. Pure lust.

I looked up. She was a few feet away from me and she was walking this way with her head held high and her strides long and sure. The attention of almost every male was on her. I wondered if she noticed. I bet she did.

She brushed past me. Her chocolate brown orbs held mine for a split second. Her satin smooth forearm brushed mine. She gave me the smallest hint of a smile.

It took every ounce of self control I had to keep from pouncing on her and doing her right then and there.

She turned her head and with the movement her soft, brown hair brushed my nose.


I stared at her retreating figure. Damn, that girl was fine. I watched the slight sway of her hips. It seemed natural. Not like the forced sway that most cheerleaders put on that made it seem as if they had something wrong with their hips. No, she didn't look like she was trying to attract attention. But it was happening anyway. I watched as she reached a redhead and they embraced. That fiery red hair seemed awfully familiar.


The redhead's eyes latched on to mine and her expression changed to one of pure venom. Someone wasn't very friendly. My mind whizzed through the possibilities of why she would just automatically hate me. I usually got the opposite reaction. Especially from girls.

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