(4) Tododeku

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Smut warning!!!


Deku wakes up to the smell of food.

Automatically getting out of bed, he shuffles to the bathroom, washing his face and brushing his teeth before heading into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Midoriya," Todoroki says, greeting him without turning around.

"Morning, Shoto! What are you making?"


Deku giggled, pouring water into the coffee maker. They never drank coffee, and instead of coffee grounds, they always had loose tea ready to put in the machine.

The tea and the pancakes finish at the same time, and Deku sets the table as Todoroki fixed the plates. They sit down and enjoy breakfast, Shoto listening to Izuku rant about a hero he recently recorded in his notebook. When they finished, they decided to go to the store.

Deku decided on a pair of shorts that were short and tight enough to show off his squatting work and thick thighs, but not too short to where he looked like he was trying to get anyone's attention. His shirt was a teal tee with the kanji for "Shirt" on it. He put on his big red running shoes and grabbed his wallet and dorm keys, walking out of his room and down to the common area.

He started talking to Tsu and Mina, laughing at Ashido's silly comments and Tsu's straightforward remarks about small things.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Midoriya."

Izuku jumped at his voice, turning slowly to face his boyfriend.

Todoroki was dressed in a white turtleneck that hung slightly below his belt, his long, strong legs hugged in a pair of light blue jeans, a pair of black sneakers accompanying his feet.

"I couldn't find a belt as fast as I thought I would. I hope you weren't down here for too long," Todoroki says, bringing him out of his thoughts.

It was then he realized he'd been staring. A blush crept over his face and he said quickly, "N-no! It's fine. I wasn't down here for long."

"Midoriya, we've been talking with you for the past 15 minutes," Ashido deadpanned.

"What took you so long to find a belt, Todoroki-kun?" Tsu asked.

Shoto shrugged. "I guess I put them all up in the wrong place. Are you ready to go now, Midoriya?"

"Sure! Let's go," Deku said, rising off the couch and saying his goodbyes to Ashido and Tsu before leaving with Todoroki.

They walked around in the store and picked up a few new shirts and fruits. Deku was talking about how much he really liked fruit juice when he stopped, seeming to try to remember what the word he was searching his brain for was.

"Want me to get you Naked?" Todoroki said.

Deku's face flushed red. He can't be serious! We're in the store for crying out loud! No, that can't be what he means, he isn't like that. He just expressed his dislike for quickies last week when Kaminari brought it up Tuesday. But he is a growing man, and we all have urges. He just has a weird way of wording things sometimes. I wouldn't mind it too much if we weren't in public, but if he can't wait-

"Midoriya, you're muttering again."

His face flushed a deeper shade of red as he met eyes with Todoroki.

"I-I'm sorry, you just... surprised me with that sentence," he said sheepishly.

"So do you want Naked? Kirishima says they have drinks with mangoes in it and apparently they're packed with proteins and fibers."

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