Character Information

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Katsumi:Race: OgreAppearance:

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Katsumi has long light blue hair with side swept bangs. She has a singular white horn that protrudes from the middle of her forehead, curving upwards. Her eyes are two different colors, with her right eye a clear blue and her left a mix of orange, red and purple. Her left eye is called the 'sunset eye'. She usually leaves her hair untied, except for a few thin braids that she subconsciously braids when she has nothing to do. Her clothes are usually light colored and her closet consists mostly of traditional Japanese kimonos. As an ogre, she's approximately 250 cm and as a Kijin, she's approximately 165 cm. Her skin as an ogre is very pale with a faint light blue hue to it that makes her look almost completely white. When she evolves into a kijin, the blue hue disappears and her skin gains a healthier looking color. She relies mainly on her abilities during combat, but she also carries a two-handed claymore sword that is longer than she is tall on her back and can easily wield it like she's twirling grass in her hand. Her chest isn't as big as Shion's, but they're a considerable size. Usually, it is hidden well by her kimono. 


Katsumi always appears happy, whether it is forceful or not. Even as a baby, she rarely cried and instead opted to babble when she wanted attention instead of crying. Generally, she hates to see the people around her having a hard time, so she dedicates herself to making them happy. From a young age, she was very intelligent and understood the idea of selflessness, but almost to a fault since she didn't understand the idea of wanting anything for herself. She's willing to give her life to defend Benimaru as the young master and her best friend. 


Weapon: A two-handed claymore that is longer than Katsumi is tall

Weapon: A two-handed claymore that is longer than Katsumi is tall

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Eyes: (Left)

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Eyes: (Left)

Eyes: (Left)

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