Baby strides

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The boy had movies at his apartment in mind, but that's not what she understood.

"What are we going to do here" the question awkwardly left her lips as they formed a thin line- she wasn't expecting him to be this fast.

"Movies!" The boy beamed as he opened the door wide, gesturing her in as he casually walked through "we're gonna watch movies!"

Jisoo hesitantly walked in, taking her shoes off at the door as she quickly fished her phone out, walking to what seemed to be the living room. His living room.

She was inside his house, his private space. A light flush appeared on her face as Taehyung grinned, quiet amused

"what are you thinking?" He walked to the TV, the girl mumbling a 'nothing' as she placed her -jennie's - bag on a table

"I'll go change" a wink flew her way as she nodded, settling on the couch as he went deeper into the apartment.

Her eyes studied the place, quite satisfied at how well kept it was. A Limestone color washed over the walls with ivory carpets all over the floor, the  furniture consisting of blues with splashes of yellow here and there. Very much suited jisoo's liking, how modern looking the apartment was.

Taehyung came back dressed in a black AC/DC shirt and black shorts, maybe a little too comfortable..

"What you wanna watch?" He crouched at the drawers under the screen as he turned it on "come check, I have many" he wiggled his eyebrows as he watched her walking over, looking so impossibly ethereal.

She quietly searched between the CDs, her eyes stopping at a certain one "just dance! You have a wii?" She pulled it out, looking at Taehyung who was nodding "yeah.. you want to dance?"

"If you don't mind..? I've always wanted to play it on a wii, I used to watch it on YouTube" she shyly smiled at the end, the boy mentally swearing to fulfill her wish.

"Do you want to change? you're not really in the most comfortable attire" he asked as she was the one nodding now

"Could you lend me something..?" Her cheeks disobeying her and reddening for the tenth time "sure"

A minute later, he walked in with neatly folded clothes in his hand, handing them to her as he pointed towards the guest bathroom "you can change there. Promise I won't peek" he laughed as she hurried in, locking the door behind her.

Placing the clothes on the sink, she grabbed the shirt and let it fall to its normal shape, taking it in for a second as a smile forced its way to her face. The black AC/DC shirt was matching his. That's fuckin adorable.

She quickly changed into the large shirt, the way his warm scent circulated around her gave a strange feeling of happiness. The black shorts now in her hands, carefully studying them. Why would he have a female's clothing? Maybe it was his sister's.

She slipped on the comfortable shorts, her previous clothes now in a ball in her hands. Maybe I should fold them.

She walked out, clothes neatly folded in her arms and her untamed golden hair now flying everywhere, but he thought it looked cute, she looked comfortable around him "sorry if I took a long time"

She hopped next to him after placing her stuff next to her bag, feeling more at ease now.

Silently watching as he turned everything on, she admired his heavenly side-profile. Such perfection should be allowed in portions, if not unallowed. The way his nose bridge curved so perfectly, his Cupid's bow topping his lips like a cherry on top.

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