This is a fanfic for walkerjbryant and indistar. They started as best friends who are in a squad. They both already has a crush. Read to find out who they like and how it turns out...
Indi's POV I just got to pipers house for film. I don't know what we are doing though. I got to the door and knocked. Sophie opened the door and greeted me, we walked to the backyard to start the video. When I got there everyone was already there so we started. End of POV Walker's POV In saw indi come in and she looked soo pretty...omg I can't believe I just said that but her outfit is super cute Indi's outfit
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Walker try's to stop thinking about it and they start the recording. Piper: SHALOM GUYS I HOPE YOUR DAY BEEN GOOD BUT BETTER WATCHING THIS VIDEO. Today's challenge is another last to but first I need to zap in my friends so we can tell them what we are doing today, ready? 3,2,1 *zap* Everyone:whoaaaa Everyone says hi to the camera and piper tell them what they are doing Piper: ok so today we are doing last to stop do couple TikToks wins 10,000 dollars Sophie:do we get to pick who we do it with? Piper: nope Everyone: *confused* Pipers: this dice does. So basically all the boys have to do is roll the dice and there are names on them so whoever it lands on that who u get so lev can go first Lev rolls the dice and it lands on piper. Everyone is pretty excited for it but walker... piper: ok it's sawyers turn Sawyer rolls the dice and it lands on Emily (the new girl) Everyone:*shocked* Piper: conners turn *skips to walkers turn*(one of the girls won't be able to get a chance to do the challenge because there is not enough boys) Walker rolls the dice and it lands on indi....