Day 12

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(y/n) is alone in the dark again.

She hates it here.

She can hear voices.

They are screaming at her, but what did she do?

"You gave me years of suffering because of you!"

"If only you weren't here."

"All you do is just eat up my life."

"If only you were never born, I wouldn't have to deal with your selfish needs."


She wants to be alone.

She don't want to be here anymore.


(y/n)'s mother sat next to (y/n)'s bed and stared at her with her eyes filled with worry, "Are you okay? Do you want some pudding."

(y/n) stared at her mother and weakly smiled, "No it's okay. I'll be fine."

Her mother sighed and stoke her head, "If you want or need anything, I'll be in the living room doing my work okay?"

"Don't you need to be at the building?" (y/n) asked.

"No, I asked them for a day off today since I noticed you wen't feeling well yesterday."

"Oh... sorry."

"Why are your sorry? You did nothing wrong."

(y/n) pulled up her blankets and covered her head, "Sorry."

Her mother eyebrows wrinkled, sending her child an apologetic look and sat up, "Don't be so hung up about the past okay?"

Hearing no response, she left the room, leaving (y/n) laying on her bed, tired to do anything productive.


(f/n) was sitting in his/her spot, continuously glancing at his/her friend's seat. He/She then looked down at his/her phone to see that she didn't read any of the messages that he/she sent.

"Hey, (f/n), do you know where (y/n) is?" one of their friend asked.

(f/n) shook his/her head and sigh, "I'm not sure. She never missed school and when she does, she will always text me the reason why."

He/She stared back at the phone and then at (y/n)'s desk and sigh. He/She knew he/she needed to see her. He/She looked back at his/her phone and wondered where was Iwaizumi. He/She looked at the time and decided that he/she should look for Iwaizumi. He/She stood from his/her seat and walked out of the door, searching for the man.

However, he/she struggled to find him.

"Where the hell is that man," (f/n) grumbled. He/She looked at the time and sighed. It was almost time for class and couldn't risk the fact he/she will be late. He/She groaned and dragged her feet back to class, not liking this certain feeling in his/her heart.

Throughout the class, (f/n) and his/her friends kept glancing back at (y/n)'s desk, then checking their phone. All of them texted them but still no reply. (f/n) furrowed his/her eyebrows and clenched his/her pencil. With the teacher's back facing the class, (f/n) continuously texted the girl, wondering if she is alright.

Finally, lunch came and (f/n) felt a buzz from his/her phone. He/She quickly turned it on to see who it was. It was (y/n)

(y/n) boo

Oops! Sorry!

I forgot to tell you that I'm staying home since I wasn't feeling well

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