Black Lives Matter

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Hey guys I just wanted to come on here and say that BLACK LIVES MATTER!! I don't care if you don't believe that I do. Black people don't need to be treated differently because of the skin color. I would go protest with them even if it mean getting hurt but I can't I am locked in my house. White people may not understand what is happening but they still want to help because they want to protect what they believe in. My grandparents are racist but you know what I don't care what they are because I know for a fact I am not because I love all black people. ALL BLACK PEOPLE LIVES MATTER!! I love every single on of you guys even if you are black or white or any color I will love you still. Don't come at me a day stuff about black people. Basically black people still have it harder than white people because they get stop for no reason, the get framed for stuff because of their color, the get SHOT and KILLED FOR NO REASON, people leave to the side of the road because of Black people. I am tried of people and police treating everyone different we are all almost the same. Something are different about us but that doesn't matter.

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