• f i v e •

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It was the next morning the sun light hit my eyes, did I forget to shut my curtains and why does my head hurt so bad?

My eyes widen when it finally hit me. The unknown guy. Jennet getting laid.

I quickly look for my phone that was on the edge of my bed.

13 miss calls.

15 unread messages.

Oh no. I was going to get a ear load of this on a Tuesday morning.

My head was pounding remind me to never drink again.

Doing my regular morning routine. I get dressed in some black leggings and a plain grey hoodie it was feeling dull this un-fine morning.

I rush to a angry looking friend she stomped her feet against the floor I'm guessing waiting for me. I got late because both me and Xavier were both fucked up last night especially me more than him.

"Where were you last night?"

"My brother dropped me off home. I'm sorry I should have called you but I was so drunk I could barley stand." I lie a little.

She huffs "fine but guess what guess what." She slaps my arm in excitement.

"What?" I say in such a bored tone but she don't even realise it over her excitement.

"Guess who got laid. That's right me." She does a little happy dance that gets a few attention but that's not the only thing.

People were giving me funny looks, whispering to each other with socked faces.

"Why are they looking at you like you've stole their boyfriends? Oh my god did you?" She gasps noticing all the stares I was getting.

I shake my head. "Then why are the-." The bell stopped her mid sentence.

I made it through most my classes but everyone was still pointing fingers in my direction but I shrugged it off. Maybe i was just being paranoid. I didn't do anything embarrassing yesterday.

The bell rang for lunch I pack my stuff away swinging my bag over my shoulder almost knocking out the little dwarf that sat behind me. She gave me a look but I dashed out the class before I could hear her nasty comment.

"When were you going to tell me that you made out with silver?"

"A silver what now?" I ask in utter confusion.

"That guy from the blue den party."she slammed the tray down by accident but it made me jump.

"Who's that? I really don't know who he is and I give zero fucks." I chew on my dry fry. But it ain't dryer than our maths teacher lips. Okay I'll stop. I shudder at her crusty ass lips give her some Vaseline I beg you.

Jennet skims around the lunch hall looking for someone. "Who you looking for you one night stand?" I laugh.

"No." She says defensively, "it was not a one night stand. I assure you."

"Then who you looking fo-." I look up at her but she cuts me off.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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