Part 1.

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*Rosa and her new girlfriend walk into a bar and order drinks*

Bartender: Hey, didn't i see you in here with your boyfriend a few weeks ago?

Rosa: Yeah, why?

Bartender: Well how come you're with a girl now? Is she your girlfriend?

Rosa: Yeah, but this is none of your business. 

Bartender: Well you can't have a boyfriend one day and girlfriend the next, it doesn't work like that. Its like pick a side. *scoffs*

Rosa: Not that this is any of your business, but it does work that way if you're bisexual. 

Rosa's girlfriend: Yeah, can we just be left in peace please?

Bartender: Well, you can't be bisexual because thats not a thing and you're making it up. You're so confused.

Rosa: I'll give you something to be confused about!! *trying to leap over the bar as her girlfriend stops her and says:*

Rosa's girlfriend: Come on, lets get out of here.


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