I have been trying to feed my birds treats from my hand the past two weeks, and one of the birds finally came down and ate some of the millet!
Surprisingly, Comet was the one to try the treat first. She's a lot more territorial and less social, so I had always figured that Willie would warm up to me first.
Still, it was really cool!
Willie never came down to try it, so I'll have to keep trying with him.
My biggest concern is that Comet will get defensive if he ever does try to eat it. After all, she's most protective of the food(especially treats) and her coconut.
I'll keep trying though and I might have to start balancing two treats if problems occur.
They've also become a lot more friendly with each other! Which is good, because I was starting to get worried that I would have to separate them again.
In other news, I'm finally done with online school for the year! I have never hated school more in my life. Especially math and band.
I'm glad it's over, though I am a little sad that I may never see those teachers again.
Still, with more time on my hands, I'll hopefully have a chance to work on more projects!
I'm about 2/3 done with chapter 6 and it should be easier to write with one of the hardest transitions mostly out of the way.
That's all I had to say. With that, I hope you all have a great day!
Book O' Nothing
Random(I guess I should actually make a description-) Hello! I don't know what to say. I wouldn't call this an art book, but I occasionally post some art! I'll also talk about pets or maybe share a story or two. I really don't know what I'll post in her...