Chapter 8

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Hermione, Ron, and I make our way over to Hagrid's to wait for Harry because he got held up by Crouch. It wasn't much long of a wait though, Harry came shortly after we got there. Hagrid suggested that we go on a walk through the simpler area of the Forest and of course we agreed.

Harry was quite far from the four of us as Hagrid was talking, "Now, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I'd ever set eyes on! Suppose you remind me of meself a little. And here we all are, four years later." Hagrid states proudly. "We're still a bunch of misfits." Ron chuckles with his hands in his pockets and his towel flung over his shoulder.

"Well, maybe, but we've all got each other. And Harry of course. Soon to be the youngest Tri-Wizard Champion there's ever been! Hooray!" Hagrid shouts for the whole forest to hear. We all laugh and smile, glancing over at Harry a few feet away.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something please!" Hagrid, Ron and Hermione sing as we continue to walk through the foggy forest.


Many hours pass and sooner or later, its the third task. The twins and Ron on either side of mine and many students from all schools dancing and playing music as the Champions walk out with their Headmasters. Dumbledore steps up to the podium and silences everyone.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory," Everyone in Hufflepuff stands and cheers, holding banners, "and Mr Potter," All the Gryffindors stand and cheer as well, "are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr Krum," Durmstrang yells and pump their fists in the air, "and Ms Delacour." All the Beauxbaton girls stand and cheer, "First person to touch the Cup will be the winner! I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants!" Dumbledore turns and all the Champions gather around.

Dumbledore quickly instructs them to stand in front of each of the four entrances. We all stand and cheer as the headmaster starts the countdown, to which Filch misses it entirely and shoots the cannon before he reaches the count of 3.

The entrances close after Harry and Cedric as they walk in first and the lively music continues to play as we wait for Krum and Fleur to go in. Once they do, the same thing happens to their entrances as it did Harry and Cedric.

After a while I start to get nervous, glancing over at Ron every so often. I grab his hand and squeeze it, looking up at him. "What's wrong, Y/n? You look...scared?" Ron asks once he noticed I was squeezing his hand. "Well, isn't it obvious? I'm worried that Harry's..I dunno... Hurt? Somehow?" I explain, gently letting go of his hand and placing my hands on my knees. "Listen, Harry's fine. He can take care of himself." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and smiles at me.

"Oh, I so hope you're right.." I say, touching his hand gently with my opposite one. Everyone starts cheering again and my head shoots up, as does Ron's, seeing Harry on the ground with the Cup and Cedric. I stand and cheer as everyone starts walking off the stands to congratulate him. Fleur screams and my eyes widen as the smile wipes itself clean off my face. Dumbledore grabs Harry by the shoulders to get off Cedric but he refuses to let go.

I cup my hands over my mouth and turn to Ron. He holds me close to his chest and I turn to listen to Harry, "He's back, He's back. Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there." Dumbledore gently rubs Harry's head and all the adults look extremely scared. "You don't think.." I look up at Ron and he nods, "Yeah..."

I turn to see Amos, Cedric's father, run down to Harry and Cedric yelling, "That's my son! That's my boy!" I wrap my arms around Ron's torso and continue looking at the horrid scene laid before us. Moody drags Harry away with an arm around his shoulders and Hermione starts to push through the crowd down the steps. She stops moving once Harry's taken away but she stops there, looking after them.


A few mornings after the incident, the same morning that all schools leave for the summer, Dumbledore put together a memorial. Everyone from every school is sitting in the Great Hall listening and waiting as the headmaster sits on his golden chair, looking out at all of us.

"Today, we acknowledge a real y terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see... Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort! The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But, not to tell you would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me- reminds us- that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds. of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that. And we will celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end."

The entire hall is quiet.


Everyone is saying their goodbyes and I walk up to the same girls that I met the night of the Yule Ball. "Hello." I tap one of them on the shoulder. "Oh, we were just looking for you!" A blonde replies.

I nod with a smile and each of them hugs me, "Good bye, Y/n, I hope we meet again." A different, shorter blonde says, with her hand on my shoulder. "Y/n! C'mere!" I hear Ron's voice from afar and I turn my head telling him to give me a moment. "You should go. Don't keep your friend waiting." The tallest of the three smiles and winks at me. I feel my face get a bit hot and they giggle as I blush.

"Alright, I suppose I'll see you soon." I smile and turn, waving at them as they gracefully walk away. I walk up to Ron and I gently grab his arm with a smile, "Who're your friends?" He asks me.

"Oh, just some Beauxbaton girls I met when George went to dance with that Ravenclaw at the Ball." I shrug, standing in front of him now. "You went with George?" He asks, looking extremely offended. "Yeah, actually. It was quite nice." I reply, looking around for Hermione, or Harry.

"Hm." Ron says with a straight face. I grab his hand and race through the crowd over to Hermione, "Found ya!" I tap her shoulder with my free hand as I let go of Ron.

"Hi!" She exclaims as the Beauxbaton girls and Durmstrang boys pass through the crowds and board their ways back home. I drag them both over to the emptier part of the crowd and we stand there talking just as Hermione spots Harry in an empty hall across from us. We walk over to him and Ron jumps through the open window hole and sits in it as Hermione and I walk through the entrance. "Do you think we'll ever have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" Ron asks with a smile as Hermione laughs. "No." The three of us respond with a chuckle.

"I don't think so. Oh, well. What's life without a few dragons?" Ron shrugs and lifts himself off the windowsill. The boys and I take a step forward, but we all look back to see Hermione leaning against the same windowsill. "Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" She asks, looking at the ground. Harry puts a hand on her face gently making her look at him, "Yes."

She nods and starts walking, "Promise you'll write this summer." Ron blatantly says, "Well, I won't. You know I won't." I gently shove his shoulder with a laugh, "I will, Mione, you can count on it." She smiles and nods, then takes Harry's arm, "Harry will, won't you?"

He pulls a fake smile and says, "Yeah, every week." Hermione rolls her eyes and the boys start laughing. I grab Ron's hand as we approach the ledge to watch the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton schools part ways from ours.

"This is going to be one hell of a summer."

Welp, I can officially say, this book has reached its end at only Chapter 8! I'm glad to announce that the 5th book will be out sooner than later :) I hope you guys enjoyed this last chapter and you all should prepare for the next one! I've got many ideas in the works. I really hope you guys liked this one and I'll see you all in the next one!

Word Count: 1552

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