247 1 995

MDLG- mommy dom little girl

MDLB- mommy dom little boy

DDLG- daddy dom little girl

DDLB- daddy dom little boy

Ok so this scenrio can be hard to understand so I'm just gonna give the basic for those who are intested but have never done this before. If you do know more (like things on rules/punishments/rewards/stuffies) then feel free to go with it.

Basically you have two teens (or around teenage years) but oke of them will go into something called little space, this causes them to act like a young child. The other person has to take care of them in a similar way that a mother/father would but still being in their romantic relationship. The ome in little space also calls their care taker mommy/daddy. I hope that makes sense, this was a lot eaiser to describe in my head.

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