Who is he

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I would like to thank @Matt_the_lover for helping me write this fanfiction and collab with me the whole time (luv ya!)

*Dennis POV*

I saw my computer flash out of the corner of my eye and I go over to look at it and I see that I had a text from my friend saying that I need to capture someone and take them home. "What the fuck do they mean by that bullshit?" I whisper to myself as I slip on my jacket and put my phone in my pocket and head out the door. I had been out drinking the other night, so everything that had been going on was a blur, then a lot was gone completely.

As I walk the streets with my hoodie on my head to not show my face when I capture whoever the fuck I'm supposed to get. I quickly text them back saying 'Okay who do you want me to get and where are they?' They immediately respond with a name and where they are 'Victor Mandoza in Raleigh, North Carolina.' 'Wow' I think to myself as I read the text 'How original' I just send back with an 'Okay then going RN' then slip my phone in my pocket. I put my hands in my hoodie pocket and sigh to myself 'Why me.....just, why' I think as walk across the street. Then I feel my phone vibrate as I get across the street, they gave me a picture of 'Victor' and the place which is a Holiday Inn which was a few blocks away from me, but I just stared at the picture of 'Victor'. He looked so cute and innocent which is what I usually want to see in people but is not what I normaly see. I don't do anything which make people walking near me stare which made me snap out of my trance and continue walking, and finally I got there. I didn't want to act suspitious so I casually walked in and simply asked "Hello ma'am do you have someone by the name of Victor Mandoza? He told me that he would be here and I've come to visit him." To which the woman casually said "Yes sir we do, he is in room 97 on the 2nd floor, here is a key card for the room, just make sure you return it when you leave." (you probably won't be able to do this in the real world but what the heck) "Thank you ma'am and I will." I said leaving and opening the door to the stairs and walking up to the second floor. I walked down the hall looking at the side with the odd numbers until I got to 97 and I slid the key card in the lock to which it made a clicking sound and the light flashed green letting me open the door.

"Hello?" I heard a very soft and sweet male voice call from far in the room to which I didn't respond but I quickly made my skin turn black so he couldn't see my markings. I walked closer to him and he moved back, shaking clearly scared and wondering how I got in the room "H-how did you g-get in here!?" He yelled at me stepping back even more to which I moved closer. I moved closer to him, his shaking body moving back until he's backed into a corner staring up at me. My skin changed back to normal making the smaller male even more scared of me to which I put my hand on his shoulder making him jolt his head to look at my hand. "P-please...." I heard the male say as I move my head to his ear. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, but I need you for something.

*Victor POV*

I stopped shaking slightly and look at the male towering over me. "You don't need to worry about what I'm doing, I just need you to come with me, okay?" But I had to admit, he sounded like he came from somewhere that was more up north like Russia, and he sounded rather attractive. He didn't do anything bad to me yet, but I was still jolty to almost everything that he did. "I need to take you home with me....."

He said as if wanting to use me for something of his sake and that really set me off edge. My rather strange but helpful instincts kicked in, making me kick a place on his leg that knocked him down and I escaped his grasp and ran to the kitchen side of the room and grabed a knife, but when I got there he was gone. I gasped when I saw this and backed towards the door when all of a sudden hands reached onto my sides making me elbow what was behind me but, somehow, missing? I turned around seeing nothing behind me. I sigh in releaf thinking that I was hallucinating and decided to go to the couch and watch TV, when. He was sitting there leg over the other looking at one of his.......WINGS!? 'Yep, I'm dead for sure' I think to myself as he looks up.

"You almost had me there." He said as if mocking me to which I said "L-listen here, s-sir or whatever you are, I d-don't know you and th-that was out of f-fear, and you ha-" "Oh I know it was out of fear." He said as if this is some sort of big joke.

"And as I was saying, I need you to come with me to my house for something." I couldn't say anything else besides look at what I would be up against if I decided to fight him. Rows of muscle ran over his cream red skin, and I assumed he has abs and a six pack (this is gay AF), then I went to his arms, biceps that looked like years of work had been put into them, then, his legs, bulging calves and quads went through his pants and it was clear he knew that I was staring because the next thing I knew, he asked,

"You like what you see?" He said in a voice that made me blush and quickly look away.  Then, I'm not surprised that he would do this after what I did, he walked over and lifted my chin so I was looking at him. "Why don't you talk more?" More of his accent slipped in but I thought nothing of it when my eyes paneled down to his abs again.

"Hey, my eyes are up here." He said in a tone that reminded me of an alpha, one of the things that I don't need right now. "O-oh s-sorry." I don't know what to do when, he crouches down so he's looking at me and repeats. "I need you to come with me." He didn't say for something important like he did the first time, so I just nodded and went with him.

*Dennis POV*

After finally getting him I wondered why he was so scared of me, I know I look intimidating, but, how much intimidated was he by me? As I said I would I returned the key card to the front desk but I didn't see the woman who was there before, so I just placed it on the counter.

We walked the same route that I took to get there and Victor still looked worried at what I needed him for. When we got to my house I did what I normally did and locked the door making the smaller male look at me with a scared look on his face. I see him plop himself on the couch and sigh out of comfort, but when I sat down next to him, he scrunched up and scooted away from me a little making me sigh and wrap my arms around the male and move him close.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Was all that I said before letting go of the smaller male and he again scooted away from me. I yawned, but facing away from the smaller man because of my teeth. See, I have very large and sharp teeth that could bite into almost anything. Then I went to the bedroom to fall asleep, but I can't get him out of my head so I get out of the bed and go to the couch and sit down again, but this time instead of pulling him close, I pick him up and place him in my lap. 

I stroke his hair and whisper into his ear that it's okay and that he'll come to love me, then I felt the male's body press up against mine and I hear him snoring softly. I sighed and picked him up, still on my chest asleep and placed him in my bed next to me and I spooned him, wrapping my arms around him.


1506 words.

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