Alpha's problem

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Disclaimer: There is smut in this part and I will warn you so you can skip and tell you when you're fine.

*Dennis POV*

It was all fine until I felt something of mine touching him that made me bite my lip and blush, hoping that he doesn't wake up. To my hope, he doesn't wake up and I go to sleep hoping that it would go away in the morning. When I woke up I noticed that Victor had turned around facing me and our waists were touching making me blush deeper as I try to move but end up rubbing my boner on something that wasn't there before. I move the blanket and see that we both have boners and they were touching. I move my hand to bite my finger as I try to move it again but it triggers enjoyment to sweep over my body which I didn't want to happen on the second day.

I quickly moved still having the problem and took off my pants for a pair of sweatpants which I still saw a little bit of the problem but thought that Victor wouldn't see it. I start breakfast with bacon and eggs. I love the smell of bacon and eggs, as I fix it a strong wave of pain shoots over me and a fall to the floor holding my head and shaking my body from how painful it is.

"GAH!!" I shout as another wave shoots over me. I then smell something that I never had smelled before that was coming from....ME!?? It smelled like warm vanilla cream and mint leaves. I never had this happen to me before and it is the most painful thing that has happened to me.

*Victor POV*

I smelled something in the house that I didn't the other day and when I opened my eyes, I was in a bed. I felt a tight feeling come from my pants and blushed looking around for something to hide it. I smelled the scent, lucious mint leaves and warm vanilla cream. I had never smelt that before when I heard clanging of items in the kitchen and thought it was the alpha cooking breakfast. I didn't want to move when I felt something go over me and I held my stomach in pain, groaning loudly. I try getting out of bed and standing up but pain strikes me again and I search my pocket for the pain but couldn't find anything.

"FUCK!!" I screamed as pain takes over me and I fall to the floor holding my stomach. Pain continues to shoot over me as I try crawling to the kitchen where the smell is getting stronger and I suddenly hear the alpha groaning even louder from pain. I'm able to stand up when the pain goes away a little and I walk to the kitchen still holding my stomach.

When I enter the kitchen I see the alpha on the ground holding his head and shaking uncontrolably, but when he sees me he stops moving, gets up and walks towards me with black eyes.

*Dennis POV*

I see Victor walk into the kitchen and the smell of almond milk fills the room and I stand up, my eyes already black, and walk toward him slowly as to not freak him out. He backs up anyway because of how blue my face is. He can see the clear want in my eyes and looks at me with liddid eyes, making me harder than I already was.


He looks down at my sweatpants and sees the bulge that has been there all morning. He jumped on me knocking me onto the floor and his bulge landed on mine making me moan softly.

He took note of this and started grinding his bulge on mine making needy moans come from himself. He stopped grinding on me and untied the draw strings on my sweatpants then pulled them down and my member shot up between us through my tights. He looks at with a shocked face and starts panting softly. "What's wrong Vic?" I softly ask looking at him as he looks at my hoodie and feels the soft material on the outside and clams down then leans his front on my chest and looks up at me.

"C-can you do it f-f-for me?" He asked still panting and on my chest. "Do what for you my love?" I said carefully massaging his thighs. "C-can you b-bounce for me?" He said in the tone that he had used when he had first met me. I slowly undid his pants which I saw him blushing and massaged his thighs, now that his pants were off his thighs were more exposed and sensitive which made the male blush and bite his lip. I stopped massaging his thighs and took off his shirt to which he blushed when I looked at his chest and stomach and saw little muscles on him. 'Maybe he thinks I'm juging him...' I thought to myself as the smaller male looked away from me.

I picked him up and placed his thighs under my arms and licked his stomach making the smaller male moan softly. He panted softly and held my neck for balance so he won't fall over, and I put him back on my lap after I had my fun with his stomach. I slid my hands in his underwear and lifted my wrists so that I can take them off. He shifted his knees so I could pull them down to his knees and looked at his velvety-pink body with teal markings then back at his blushing face. I sat up and pulled down my pants and tights and got on top of him.

*Victor POV*

I look up at him as I feel something press up against my entrance. The alpha looks at me "You ready?" He asks, but before I could say anything, he slams into me making me throw my head back and scream from pain. He grabs my hips and trusts forcefully into me with no hesitation making my move back and forth on the floor making me moan from both pain and pleasure. My body reacts quickly and I cum all over us, luckily none gets on his hoodie and the rest runs down my shaft and onto the alpha who keeps going faster every second.

He continues until his pace gets sloppy and uneven and that's when I feel him empty into me. Felling it drip out with him still thrusting and emptying into me it, I feel myself getting numb, then he flips me over so I'm on my hands and knees and he thrusts more forcefully making me shake more and move forward and back with every thrust. My hands getting weak from holding myself up, I put myself on my elbows making my ass more exposed and open letting the larger male go deeper and faster.

I feel more pleasure and I squirt all over the floor, but it goes on like the alpha's does, every now and then it squirts. My jaw goes numb and I can no longer move it back closed and saliva falls from my mouth. I feel a big amount of cum spill into me and some drip out but all I could do was make little squeakes and not even that, just noises that someone with a numb jaw make.

I squirt large amounts of cum onto the floor and some runs on my shaft then drip onto the floor next to the puddle that the larger male was making. He was now thrusting up and down along with in and out insted of just in and out making me squirt more on the floor. I feel him stop and pull out leaving me to fall over as cum still drips and runs out of me. I pant softly as I see him take off his hoodie and place it on the counter. He kneels down to clean both me and the mess on the floor up he notices that he is still dripping so he takes two of his fingers and gets the cum off of his shaft and lets me lick it off his fingers.


He gets finished cleaning up and helps me stand only to have me fall to my knees from pain in my lower half. He takes the hoodie off of the counter and puts it on me so I wouldn't get cold, then he picks me up and lays down on the couch with me still in his hands then I'm laid down on his chest. I hear him breathing softly and I look up to him, but he's not asleep and he reaches to the counter and turns on the TV. I turn towards the TV and try to watch what he put on but could barely keep my eyes open. "I have to ask you something." I ask him with a tired voice. "Hmm?" Is all that he said "What's your name?" I said yawning. "It's Dennis my lovely." 'Dennis.....' I thought bfore falling asleep in his arms.

Kill. Me. Please.

Edit: I needed to edit Dennis' name out for Victor's POV until the end because he refers to Dennis as 'The alpha' until he asked for his name

1544 words.

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