Moving to hell

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Today is the start of hell im moving yay...not. My mom got a new job so we're moving to San Antonio Texas yay... note my sarcasm. So I got my stuff packed in my light yellow suitcases and i got my outfit and makeup done ( the pic above you). After hearing my dumb brother yelling at me to get my lazy ass down there I finally came down. My mom was actually sober which is very weird for her but good for me cause when she's drunk she's pissed pissed.

"Silver honey do you have everything packed it's time to go" mom said in a really sweet voice there hiding something but what.

"yeah I guess but do we have to--- Now now Silver you know whats best for us we have to go now come on" mom said I was getting kinda pissed cause she cut into my sentence. Goodbye home hello hell.

Sorry nothing happens on the plane skipping to when they get to there new home.

Found out what my mom was keeping from us so now were living with some fucking kid and his mom even more of hell but I do have to admit the kids fucking hot but I don't do boyfriends I hate attention.

"Hello Marisa I haven't seen you in forever" oh my god my mom sounded like a teenage girl I'm am now scared for life.

" Hello you must be Silver and Brandon I've heard much about you two im Marisa and this is my son Damien" kill me now please. Ok be polite

" hello it's nice to meet you two" Damien is just standing there like a lost puppy I dont blame him but he is just staring at me most at what I'm wearing god boys.

" well come on in Damien will show you two the house and your rooms" yay we get a VIP tour this is so lame

"ok". Once we get into the house I'm in shock its so nice looking the living room have a giant flat screen tv the kitchen is huge there's two nice bathrooms this is a heaven house but one hell of a life. My room was the last stop so it was just me and him

" here's your room thank god I'm done" fuck you to dickhead

"I'm sorry I'm I missing something you were the one who was checking me out"

" yeah cause you look like a slut" this kid is going to get bitch slapped today

" I have more class than I slut im not a try hard Barbie I don't pretend to be something I'm not I'm real you should try it sometime"

" I am im the bad boy of this place bitch" him the bad boy ha yeah right

"Why thank you"

" what?"

" think on it you called me a bitch"

"soooo" its so fun confusing people

" bitch is a dog dogs bark bark come from trees trees are nature nature is beautiful there for you just called me beautiful." He just stared at me and started walking towards me till our nose were almost an inch apart

"your not beautiful your hot and sexy" he put his hands on my waist yeah I should get him the fuck off me but maybe I should play it a little sexy for awhile

"really you think that i think your really sexy looking" I said running my hands over his abbs. (by the way he is the guy on the cover)

" you think im sexy" he said kissing my neck yeah time to be a fucker

" yeah I do and you know what"

"what" he said looking me in the eyes he has really pretty green eyes.

I whispered "fuck you" and I kicked him where the sun does not shine.

That night at dinner me and him just stared at eachother nobody noticed they were to busy talking.


Hey guys so this is my first story ever I've been reading stories on here for a long time now so if this is really crapy I would love to here what you guys think and be honest it's ok if you don't like it you can tell me so if y'all would follow me that would be amazing and I promise I will make longer chapters for y'all. Also I'm going to try to make a chapter everyday if I don't I might be busy with school. Love you guys or girls!!

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