This is Kenzi Malls. She is 17 years old. Her fav color is Purple. Her perfect date is to have a Nice chill view of the stars while cuddling. She has a little brother that is 7 years old and his name is Micheal. She has two bestfriends name Mads and Addison. Your a famous social media influencer. She is single
This is Josh Richards. He is 18 years old. His favorite color is red. He is single. His perfect date is to have a nice romantic dinner after they watch the stars and cuddle until they fall asleep. He is single. He has two sibling name Olivia and will. He is famous social media influencer.
A/n: sorry I hadn't really thought of smut chapter but I have a idea when I was watching a baby episode and I found one so😁
Josh richards Smut
FanficThe title says it all so yea enjoy!😬 I just mostly do updates so don't waste your time on this book lol.