Not So Fast, Christian

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“I finally got her to eat! By the way are you bastards fucking serious?! She’s chained to the floor?! Who the fuck came up with that plan?” yelled Christian in awe as he tore from the area where Nitori was kept. Ted raised his hand, “The chain is really long! She can move around all over this place. I installed it the second day we had her, don’t ask me where I got it from”, finished Ted with a chuckle. “I thought it was a pretty excellent idea”, said Victor in collusion with Ted. “Great. So now when this blows up, we’re gonna be known as the guys that held a girl captive, sex-dungeon style!” shouted Christian in total anger. All of the guys laughed at him. “The key is in there, right near the big crack to the right of the door. You’re going off the deep end Chris”, said Victor staring at the game of the television, “None of that is going to happen, nobody’s going to know that we have her, unless there’s a fissure in the foundation. We are the only ones that can bury ourselves at this point. So as long as nobody in here is a snitch-bitch, then I’d say we’re protected.”

 Christian put his hands on his hips and looked down while shaking his head. “I’m going to assume that she hasn’t had a bath since you guys have been completely ignoring her and she is clearly dirty.” Victor scoffed, “That bitch is fine, as long as she doesn’t stink then she’ll survive. We don’t have to bath each and every night so she doesn’t need to either. Plus neither of us can step to her without it being a struggle, nobody has time for that bullshit, if she wants to be a fucking crybaby, then she can stay her ass in there, dirty and hungry.” Christian narrowed his eyes in disgust,” I have some of Sasha’s clothes in my car, I’ll bring her something to change into so she can take a shower, girls can’t go days without taking a bath like us, it makes them feel icky.” “How sweet of you Maury Povich. Glad you know how to think like a bitch”, said William nodding towards the door. Victor and Ted laughed at William’s comment. “Fuck you Bill”, growled Christian making his exit and removing his mask.

He returned with an armful of night gowns, underwear, bras, shirts, and pants. His friends giggled as he walked past. Christian smacked his lips, and sat the clothes down before he entered the room. Once he replaced the mask on his face, he walked back into the room and turned on the light. “Hey you, go take a shower”, Christian said wile tossing the clothes at Nitori and pointing to the bathroom. Nitori stood to her feet and slid the dress straps from her shoulders. Christian blurted urgently, “Not here!” He stepped closer to her and pointed to the bathroom in the left corner of the room, “Undress in there!” She simply picked the clothes up from the floor and pranced to the bathroom.

Once he heard the shower come one, he made his exit. “Well, I’ve done my part, so I’m heading out of here”, announced Christian. Victor turned to face him, “So she’s sleeping?”, he asked. Christian shrugged his shoulders and raised an eyebrow, “The girl is taking a shower, she’s not a baby, and she can find her way to sleep.” William then spoke, “Well you can’t leave until she’s sleep, this is the first time we’ve had peace and quiet since that bitch has been here. I don’t know what’s so fucking magical about you, but apparently, you don’t irritate her. So, you need to stay in there until she falls asleep, I’d like to actually hear the rest of this movie.” “Are you completely and totally brain-dead?! I have a girlfriend to go home to! I’m not about to stick around to sing that chick lullabies until she falls asleep! No, I’m leaving!” Then he headed towards the door. “Chris! It’s not fair, you’ve been missing in action for these past few days and we’ve been stuck with her, the least you can do is see her to sleep”, expressed Victor sternly. Christian slammed his hands at his sides and sighed in vexation. “WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU GUYS TO KIDNAP A FUCKING CRYBABY ASS BITCH?!?! I told ya’ll not to kidnap anybody! Nobody listened to me! And now you guys want to sit here like I owe you my gratitude and services!

Christian paused to think about what they guys were saying. He already knew they’d give him a hard time about his portion of the money if he didn’t pull his weight. As much as he didn’t want to go back into the room with Nitori, he had to get it over with. Christian threw his middle finger in the air as he did a 180 degree turn and returned to the room. “I love you buddy”, Victor yelled jokingly. He didn’t turn the light off when he left out. Upon his return, Nitori was sitting in the corner with her hair wrapped in a towel. She kneeled back on her heels and shivered.

“And what’s wrong with you?? It’s not even cold in here”, commented Christian leaning against the wall. Nitori eyed Christian with no expression on her face. “Why don’t you just say something? Tell me to stop being a dick, or to leave you alone”, he said. There was no shift in her countenance, and she remained quiet. Christian began to feel peeved. He shrugged his shoulders and rubbed his eyes, “Fuck it then, but hey, you need to go to sleep so I can leave this hell-hole.” She tapped the shackle on her ankle and frowned. “No”, he flatly specified. She pouted and groaned loudly. “I don’t give a shit about your attitude”, he exclaimed while laughing. Nitori snatched the towel from her head and threw it at him. He quickly leaped out the path of the towel. He narrowed his eyes in amusement, “Ha! So you’re acting feisty now?!”

He paused as he studied Nitori. The curls on her head fell heavy with water to her collarbones. Her small round face was heavy with discomfort and unhappiness. He sighed, “There’s nothing I can do about that chain okay, so stop looking like that, trying to make me feel bad”, he moped. Her mouth curled down as though she was about to cry. He rapidly approached her, “Look, no, no! Don’t start crying. Just chill the fuck out! What do you want from me??” Nitori tapped the chain on her ankle. Christian felt flustered. He kneeled down to her level and grabbed the shackle, “My hand is not a key, there is nothing I can do for you.” She whined lightly and leaned her face into his sweatshirt.

Christian was caught off guard again and didn’t know what to do. So he just sat very still. Nitori then craned up and tugged at his shirt. He looked at the hoodie, then looked at her and shrugged his shoulders in confusion. She took the bottom hem of it and pulled up. Christian slightly jerked back, “Whoa, you’re trying to strip me or something?!” She smiled gently and touched his arm and rubbed hers vigorously. Then Christian understood, “Oh, you want my hoodie!” She beamed and held her arms out for it. “Alright, I’ll let you wear it, but no more crying, I don’t want to hear any more of it”, he stipulated. Nitori nodded. “And you need to go to sleep too”, he added. She blinked and bounced her head in agreement. Christian removed his sweatshirt and handed it to her. Nitori shoved her face into the shirt and inhaled deeply. She grinned and made her way to the futon in the corner. Nitori put the hoodie on and balled up into the fetal position, so that her entire body was covered. She stared ahead as her eyes started to roll back into her head. Ten minutes later she was fast asleep. Christian was happy, he was finally free to go.  

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