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The alcohol burned my throat as I downed another shot. Smoke filled the air, the scent seeping into my clothes. The loud music is deafening, just the way I like it.

I pass by the beer pong game and walk out the back door. The cold air hits my face waking me up a bit, and making me somewhat more sober. I pull out a cigarette and light it. I bring it to my lips and let out a breathe.

'If mother saw me now' I think to myself. 'She'd take me straight to church and tell me to pray for my sins'

The smoke from my lungs fills the air, I watch as the little white cloud dissipates into the black August sky.

The cigarette is pulled out of my mouth by a figure standing next to me. I hadn't even noticed anyone else was outside. The boy takes it onto his own lips and let's out a puff of the smoke.

"Party's already boring you huh?" The familiar voice asks.

"Just needed to clear my head." I reply.

"You know, these things can kill you" He says taking one last puff before throwing it on the ground and stomping on the, as my mother would say, "satanic device"

"I guess that's why it's so addicting" I simply respond.

I turn to face Emmet, taking in his appearance. He stands at about 6'3, while I'm only 5'6. He's wearing black skinny jeans with a band shirt over it, a gray beanie covers his hair that swoops over his eyes.

I've known Emmet since we were 8 years old and I started going to church with my mother. His mother took him there every other Sunday, and we immediately clicked.

Maybe it was the fact that we both had extremely religious mothers, and disagreed with nearly everything they would tell us.

Emmet is like my other half, but not in any romantic way. We both like the same music, movies, and anything else you can think of.

"Let's get out of here, we can go back to my place." He says taking my hand into his.


We walk into his house as quiet as possible, trying to consider that it's 1am and his brother is sleeping along with the rest of his family.

"Want to watch a movie?" He suggests. I shrug and make my way over to his bed. I lay down and remove my leather jacket. Once the movie is in he joins me on his bed.

Half way through the movie Emmet speaks.

"Are you a virgin?"

"I haven't exactly gotten the chance to do anything. You know how strict my mother is, you?"


The room falls silent again and neither of us can focus on the movie.

I notice Emmet's eyes wandering over to me and quickly looking away when I look back.

You could cut the tension with a knife in here, before Emmet finally makes a move.

He wraps his hand around my neck and pulls me in shoving our lips together. His hand finds its way under my shirt and slowly moves up my back. I pull away quickly.

"Wait. What the hell are we doing?" I asked. I am kind of annoyed that Emmet just thinks he can talk advantage of me like this.

"I just thought we could try things out. I don't like you that way, but we can just do stuff. It doesn't mean we have to have feelings for each other." He says calmly.

"So... No feelings?" I say. He nods and reconnects our lips as I fall onto the bed so my back is now touching the mattress.

"Our mothers would have heart attacks if they knew what we were up to." He smirked placing a kiss on my collar bone as he made his way down.

Born Sinner from a SaintWhere stories live. Discover now