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I woke up and felt Emmet's chest against my back. His steady breathing told me that he was still asleep, so I carefully stood up and threw on my clothes. I left a note behind saying that I had gone home and I'd call him later.

I crawled out his back window so I wouldn't get caught by his mother. I climbed down the side of his house, managing to only scrape my knee three times on the side of the brick wall.

I only lived a 5 minute walk away from Emmet, so I was home before I even realized it. I checked the time on my phone; 9:05. Shit. My mom would probably be leaving for work soon and would be coming to my room to wake me up.

I sigh and walk in the front door knowing there is no way to get out of this one.

"Darla Elizabeth Jacobs where were you last night?"

"Nancy Karen Jacobs it's none of your concern." I say mimicking her tone.

"Honor your father and mother" She says quoting the 10 commandments to me.

She does this quite often, quoting the bible, or trying to guilt me into admitting to something by asking me what Jesus would do.

"Thy father thought this was bullshit and left so I wouldn't have to honor him" I say spitting the words at her. Whenever I speak about my father she usually gives up on our conversations.

Her face looks hurt, but I couldn't care less.

"This conversation is not over, I will be home at 7, no later. After work I'm stopping by the church for a few hours to help with the food drive. Go upstairs and pray for forgiveness, you and I both know that you aren't going to admit to me what happened." She mutters as she grabs her keys and walks out the door.

I walk up to my room and take a glance at my appearance, thankfully my hair had covered the huge hickey on my neck. The bitch might've keeled over and died right then and there if she would've seen it. She almost had me sent me to the priest when I came home with light blue hair and my lip pierced.

She claimed that it was "the work of the devil" and "no one should have such inhumanly colors on their body". The lip ring had gotten me 3 hours of praying for forgiveness for "getting the Devils imprint" into my skin.

I pick up my phone and decide to text Emmet, knowing that his mom is probably at the food drive all day.

"Come over" Is all I send. I know Emmet well enough that he'll be over before I even get the chance to change out of this shirt that smelled of alcohol.

(Smut warning. If you don't want to read skip until it's over)
"I can't believe I woke up and you were gone. I'm more than a one night stand!" He joked walking into my room playfully pushing my arm back.

"Well, if it makes you feel better I can't compare you to other guys because you were my first." I rest my hands on the back of his neck and let my fingers play with the ends of his hair.

He leans in and begins sliding his hands down to my shorts. He unbuttons them and I let them fall down my legs. I pick at the hem of his shirt before lifting it completely over his head and tossing it onto the floor.

His lips roam down my neck and onto my chest until he reaches my thighs.

"Now Darla, I don't mean to kill the mood, but I didn't bring a condom." His face is ashamed as he looks down. I laugh and reach over to my drawer, grabbing one and tossing it to him.

"I thought you were a virgin?" He questioned, a confused look on his eyes.

"I'm always prepared. Now shut up." I entangle my fingers in his hair as he continues to kiss my chest.

Once we are both undressed, he lays me down onto the bed. As he kisses me his tongue glides over my lip ring, which I thought was pretty hot. His lips trailed down my neck and slowly onto my chest, then down to my hips, which resulted in a few soft moans escaping my lips.

He smirked, obviously pleased with himself, and without warning shoved a finger in. I ran my fingers through his hair, my grip tightening as he pumped it in and out.

He pulled out and brought his face close to mine. Our lips pressed together again as he thrusted into me. He buried his face into the crook of my neck as he rocked back and forth, moans leaving his lips every few seconds.

Once we finish he gets puts his sweatpants on and sits down on the edge of my bed.
(End of smut)

"What does this make us?" He asks suddenly.

I look at him confused, and rest my head on his lap.

"We're just friends Emmet, remember we agreed on that. No feelings." I say reassuringly.

"Right. No feelings." He says, but in a way that seems like he's saying it to convince himself.

I let him play with my hair as we both sit in silence. Emmet has always been my go-to person, and I hoped this wouldn't change anything between us. I loved him too much to lose him.

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