chapter fou- five

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Just saying this author doesn't know how to FrEaKiN spell frappociono Frappaciono idk what's the spelling ╮(╯_╰)╭ Frappuciono?

It's been a week of The tall man slapping himself u til his eye turn back and Phil suffering Because his mark is very itchy and hurts when he scratches his mark.
Phil is now laying in his bed wanting to die because he can't scratch his stomach but it itches so bad. "I wanna die....." Phil says annoyed and a bit crying. He forgot that he has plans today and just in his bed and is surrounded by chips and his TV is on in his bedroom playing a k drama about love that the woman dies.
Phil is kinda crying because of his itch and also because of the sad love story.
Phil never seen his mark. Because he's refusing and swore to himself that he'll not cover it anymore and finally see what pack his mark came from.

Everyone can agree that if they got Phil they would be very lucky because Phil might seem lazy and eat chips and lay on the bed all day but be can cook very very well and he can do chores like laundry and cleaning the house and also the dishes. Phil is very domestic. And he'll be a very good wife. Phil is still lying in bed not knowing what to do. "What do i-" suddenly Phil's phone rings and he lazily takes it because it might just be Nekomi wanting him to wear a swimsuit or a miss outfit. "H-" "PHIL DONT TELL ME YOU'VE FORGOT THAT I. TOLD. YOU. TO. GO. TO. THE. CAFE." Bela screams and on the other side the customers are freaking out and a waiter fell down. "Uuhhhhhhh I'll be there!" Phil says mentally panicking because he might get shoved in a maid outfit or a swimsuit and be forced to walk around and let Bela and Nekomi draw him and take picture of him. 'shetshetshetshetshetshetshetshet'
Phil thinks as he jolts out his bed and gets dressed properly. Good thing Phil Already took a shower. The phone of Phil is on loud speaker right now and Bela says a few words before hanging up "sigh you both are such sloths good thing he's also late so don't worry Phil...." Phil is Finished dressing up and grabs his phone and wallet and phone and bolts out of his house but also sneaking away from ching cho- I mean China and ca- I mean Ame.

The two and Others always follows Phil and tries to be his alpha. There's one time that they got drugged and thankfully not Phil. The four and, Spain, Japan and ching cho- China lunged at Phil in attempt to make out with him. Because they accidentally drank a drug and made them excited. And also they are drunk as hecc and so Phil escaped and Indo stayed to call a cab and left but with his middle fingers up facing the four. Phil ran to the cafe and almost got hit by a car but he was like a ghost that is so fast and didn't get hurt leaving the driver Relived and Confused if he saw a ghost.
Phil ran inside the cafe to see Bela almost drooling on her phone. Bela snapped back in reality when she saw Philip. Philip waved and sat down to the single chair where Bela told him to sit. The table had three chairs. Two chairs beside eachother and the one Phil I sitting on is in front of an empty chair where Bela's brother will sit. Phil Thought it's wierd but didn't bring it up.

"I'm so so so so sorryyyyy Bela!" Phil says apologizing like his life was on the line. "It's ok *sigh* he's always late anyways....." Bela says and takes a sip of her Frappuciono and gives Phil one as well. "*Sigh* if you were the last to come we would put you in a maid outfit with Neko ears and tail" Bela says and sips her Frappuciono like it wasn't a big deal. Phil is scared he doesn't want to be dressed in a maid outfit especially because some alphas might be in a rut oe might claim him. Phil gulped in Fear while Bela looks Emotionsless but actually angry at her brother but she lost hope that he will come early for once.

"So what's your brother like?" Phil asked curious because he's never met him. "Cold, protective, a fighter, built, but really he has a good heart if he knows how to use it..... And I'd say he's a good match for thee" Bela says. "If he knows how to use it?" Phil asks Confused at that statement. "Well he's not really into dating omegas and yeah.... I want you guys to be set up in a date but in truth I kinda give up BUT not really, I mean by dating omegas is that he don't wanna claim Someone" Bela says. And Phil thinks of the Man he met. "Did he come to the Gathering?" Phil asks quite interested in the truth" "yeah I saw him standing there in the gathering, he's quiet and you don't see him sometimes even tho he's tall cuz he's always quiet and like he's not there" Bela Replies and Phil frowns 'then he's not, I'm a fool for thinking that' then a few minutes later a country came to the door.

Phil and Bela turned to the man and to see a country that was under Soviet before as well a tall man with a hat. Bela seemed excited and happy to see the man and Bela talked to him but Phil turned around and didn't hear their conversation. Bela says "Phil this is Latvia, Latvia this is Phil" and they both shook their hands. After a while of talking there was a bit of rain and they decided to call it a day and walk out the cafe but unlucky for them the rain started to put heavily and they ran to a nearby hotel and checked in a room for four People since there's no room for for three. They checked in in the empuje hotel WHOOPS I mean confiar hotel!!!

After a while in the hotel they had 3 different beds right beside eachother.
It was fun but it came to an end when the rain stopped and Phil decided to leave.

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